Chapter 86

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Frisk and Calibri finished performing, and the whole studio erupted in applause. Frisk looked up, smiled shyly, and took a bow with his head. He smiled at Calibri who gave him a thumbs up and walked away as the ratings went up by 100 points.

"Darling, that was magnificent," Mettaton said walking over with the mic once the applause had died down. "You're quite the virtuoso. Wherever did you learn how to play like that?"

"My mother," Frisk replied.

"Hold on, dear," Mettaton said before he extended his arm with the mic until it reached Frisk's face. "Could you say that again?"

Frisk tensed up at the microphone in his face for a second before he replied, "My mother, she taught me how to play the violin and the piano. She studied the instruments her whole life. The nuns at the orphanage gave her lessons when her parents died. My father taught me the acoustic and the electric guitar. He taught himself how to play those before his family even died…"

Without warning, Mettaton pulled the microphone back and posed dramatically.

"So much talent for such unfortunate lives," Mettaton interrupted. "If only they had someone rich and famous to nurture their talents and give them opportunities. I just know they would have been superstars. But instead, they were poor…Frisk, what did you say your parents did for a living?"

Mettaton shoved the microphone back into Frisk's face as Frisk visibly panicked and looked askance to Papyrus and Undyne for help. Undyne shook her head as quickly as she could. Papyrus pointed to her and nodded. Their actions were not lost on Mettaton, but he ignored it for now.

Frisk looked back at Mettaton and replied, "Uh…My parents…They were part of my city's law enforcement…kind of like Undyne…"

"So, kind of like the police?" Mettaton asked projecting his voice without the help of the microphone.

"Yeah," Frisk lied more confidently. "Exactly like the police…"

"A career they doubtlessly took to survive after they outgrew the orphanage and continued to support you after you were born," Mettaton said continuing his dramatic shtick again as he pulled back his arm until the microphone was hanging above his head. "Your poor parents, they never got to really follow their dreams…"

"Yes, they did!" Frisk yelled defensively. "They wanted to be happy and have a happy family! They got what they wanted! They told me so!"

Frisk's heartwarming words caused the ratings to go up by 50 points. Mettaton noticed and stood up straight. He knew just how to make the ratings go up even more.

"Darling, don't misunderstand me," Mettaton replied. "I never said your parents weren't happy with their lives. I just said that your parents never got to use their talents to their upmost potentials because they lacked the money and opportunity to do so. That must have been hard for them. Trust me. I know exactly how that feels. That's why I'm going to give that opportunity to you instead, Frisk dear. I will not let your talents go to waste as your parents had to. Your talent will be nourished, and you will have everything I'm sure your parents always wanted you to have."

Frisk glared angrily, took the bow and violin in one hand, and used the other to support him while he slid down the bone chair until he was back on the ground.

He walked back over to Papyrus and Undyne without breaking eye contact with Mettaton and finally replied, "I already have everything they wanted me to have! I don't need anything else!"

Mettaton simply rolled his eyes in response and said, "You'll never go anywhere with that attitude, darling. You must make some sacrifices to have it all."

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