Chapter 93

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Once Frisk and Burgerpants relieved themselves and washed their hands, they sat in the bathroom while Frisk texted his family back and forth.

Sans and Toriel were nearing the end of the adoption papers. It wouldn't take them longer than 2 hours to finish everything up.

Papyrus and Undyne volunteered to keep Mettaton as distracted as possible while Frisk took down the ratings.

Napstablook and Alphys were less than an hour's walk from the studio.

Whoever got there first, Frisk's job was to stall for time and stall for time he would.

"I still can't believe I'm doing this," Burgerpants said leaning his head back against the bathroom wall. "Going behind his back is one thing, but blatantly going behind his back in front of thousands of people is something else."

"I know," Frisk said standing up in excitement. "I can't wait to see the look on his face. This will be glorious. Now, come on. I've said my prayers and sent my messages, and I'm good to go!"

Burgerpants reluctantly got to his feet and followed Frisk out of the bathroom. Something else was weighing on his mind and he was trying to figure out how to breach the subject with the excited human boy walking next to him back to the stage.

"What?" Frisk said reading the new text from Calibri in surprise. "Calibri just said he and River are bringing back the instruments from Euphemia's place now. She's the evil twin?! I can't believe it. She is nothing like him…"

Frisk continued rambling about Euphemia and what she had put him through just as they approached the door leading back to the stage.

Burgerpants knew he had to act fast or else he might never get a chance to ask.

"Frisk?" Burgerpants asked stopping in his tracks in front of the stage door. "Can I ask you something?"

"Yeah, sure," Frisk said while texting Calibri back. "What's up?"

"Uh, Frisk," Burgerpants began unsure of how to proceed. "You remember when we were sabotaging Mettaton back on the news set? You said something about seeing Mettaton jump through a wall. What did you mean by that? Something about that sounded very familiar."

Frisk froze in fear for a second before his nervous eyes wandered upwards to meet Burgerpants' gaze. His eyes were not angry or suspicious, just kind of curious.

"What do you mean?" Frisk asked barely taking a breath.

"Well, that scenario of Mettaton breaking through a wall, something about that sounds very familiar like it's something I watched before," Burgerpants continued oblivious to the boy's frightened emotions. "Not like in real life or anything, but like in a movie or a TV show or something I watched in a dream. Do you know what I mean?"

"Uh, yeah, sort of," Frisk said vaguely unable to lie to Burgerpants as he did with Mettaton.

"Now, that I think about it, it almost feels like déjà-vu," Burgerpants said. "Talking to you feels like déjà-vu, too. I feel like we have almost met before."

As Frisk stood there staring at the ground, Burgerpants' suspicions began to grow and he finally asked, "Have we?"

Frisk didn't know how to respond and he didn't feel like lying anymore, so he said, "Yes, we have. I can go back in time using blood magic and my own determination."

"So, that's why you have the scars?"

"Yeah, I wanted to give you guys the perfect ending, but I always kept screwing it up. I haven't hurt anyone this time but I tried again a few days ago and almost committed suicide when it didn't work. My family saved me and God took that ability away from me. Now, I have to get everything right. I've never been able to get past Mettaton, so now, that's what I have to do."

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