two ఌ

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„We are here." with that the man catched me out of my thoughts and opened his door . „What's going to be that?" I asked confused and left the car as well. „Rue d'étoile 16. You're welcome." he added and pointed at the white house in front of us. As I wouldn't know by my own mind where I'm living...

„Mhm." was the only thing what came over my lips. I already wanted to go to the entrance when he stopped me. „Perhaps we'll see each other again?!" he raised his voice hopefully. „I don't think so. Have a good night yet." I replied a little bit to unfriendly than I wanted. I opened the door to my family house and left him behind without saying something more. I had to be quiet because my parents shouldn't know about this night.

I left my shoes in the entrance area and sneaked upstairs. Disappointed and frustrated I opened the door to my room and lay down in my bed. My farewell letter that I had put on my pillow landed in the rubbish.

I was so stirred up that it took hours to fall asleep. I hadn't much sleep so my mother had to wake me up. Otherwise I probably would've slept two hours longer. Fully exhausted and restless I disappeared in the bathroom, made my hair -that almost looked like a cable clutter-, brushed my teeth and washed my face. Dark rings searched their place under my eyes, but I covered them with a bit of make up. Halfway ready I walked to my room and picked my light-green jogging suit from my wardrobe.

From upstairs sounded the call from my mother. „Célina! You come down, please?".

Sighting I left my room behind and descended the stairs where my mother handling with cutlery stood in the kitchen. She buzzed to a song the was playing on the radio. She was in a great mood.

When she noticed me she stopped singing but her good vibes stayed. „Good morning, darling. I made breakfast." i let my eyes to a full prepared brunch on the table gliding. My stomach turned himself at least five times around. In all the trouble from the last night I almost forgot how challenging these family weekends are.

How much I hate it but at the same time, I'm sorry for all the times when I messed up the mood of my parents when they wanted me to spend time with them.

A warm hand on my shoulder stopped my solidification and catched my attention. „Morning, slept well?" my dad gave me a greeting and smiled. After he walked to my mom to give her a kiss on her cheek. „Mhm." i only murmured and sit down on a chair. I didn't want to eat something, but it was demanding to lee standing in my thin legs.

„How beautiful that you eat with us." my dad shined happy and sit down on the opposite of me. i already opened my mouth to reply something against that but my mother began to talk. „Yeah, we're very happy about that." she gave me a knife and put down to others on the table. „Mom, actually..." I began but my dad cut me disappointed. „No, Célina. Please stay one time and eat something. You are only over the weekend here and we wanna spend some time with you." - „Your dad is right. Nevertheless it's not healthy what you're doing..." I interrupted my mom as I suspected what topic she wanted to discuss.. „Mom! Please." with that, I finished the discussion and she sit down to the table  with her shoulders twitching.

Reluctant and knowing that my parents observing me I grabbed a piece of bread and put cheese and butter on it. I struggled with me when I threw a look on the food. I knew I'm going to regret it later...

Hesitant i took a bite and chewed so long until everything left was tasteless mud. When I looked up at my parents unobtrusively, I saw them take a skeptical look at each other...

„I'm full..." I announced an unpleasant while later and stood up from my chair. „Don't you want to stay sitting?" my mom asked. Her look was pleading.

„No, I'm going up. I still have to pack my things..." I successfully talked myself out and left the kitchen.

After packing my things in my room, I dragged the bag down. I opened the door to the kitchen where my parents were talking and said goodbye to them.

A little later I grabbed the bag and transported it to my car. I just opened the trunk when I heard a male voice behind me. I recognized her immediately. Goosebumps therefore formed on my skin.

„I don't think it was a coincidence that I found you yesterday."

Melody of death | English Version | Charles Leclerc FFWhere stories live. Discover now