forty-six ఌ

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When Charles and me left the clinic behind us around quarter to six -but without Elmo in the trunk because he had to stay there under investigation- I exhaustedly looked out of the window. Many cars have already filled the streets of Monte Carlo and a few people hasted along the sidewalk in work clothes. When I thought about going to work in a bit more than two hours, I rolled with my eyes. But at least I am going to work with Marlow today who definitely got on my nerves less than Clodine.

„Should I come in to you?", Charles asked when he drive on the parking lot in front of my house. „No, go home and get some sleep.", I mumbled. He really has done enough for me today. „I could also sleep with you and bring you to your work later -if you even really go there today.", during the words, he turned his gaze to me, waiting, as if he hoped that I would deny. But the work was something that I had neglected lately (at least on the Saturdays). And it would divert me from my problems.

„I can drive by myself. You have already sacrificed your half night for me...", I explained thoughtfully. „Your work is on the way to my home. Already forgotten?", he grinned and put one of his hands on my thigh when I stopped the engine. I smiled tired. „Okay. You can come in if you want. But don't make it for me but because you really want to do it.", I looked at him admonisingly. He rolled his eyes as a matter of course. „For sure I want that.", grinning he kissed me on the lips and left the car shortly afterwards.

For the lunch break, Marlow and I had made ourselves comfortable on the terrace of the gastronomy where we work. Previously, he had made two rolls without my request and covered them with cheese and cucumber slices. „Here, Madame.", He pushed the plate and a cup of coffee over to me and sat down on the chair opposite me. „Thank you.", I took a sip from my warm drink, even if it actually didn't match with the summery mood and the burning july sun.

„So, then tell something. Because you didn't work on the latest Saturdays, I suspect that something in your life changed. Is there someone?", he grinned suspecting and watched me searching for the right words, which could describe my life from the last few months the best. So much happened. So much what changed me and my life. But to find the words for all of that, is very difficult.

„Okay uhm, what shall I say? You got it. There is someone in my life. But in fact, you are one of the first or actually the first whom I tell about it.", I took a bite from my bread. In the corner of my eyes, I saw how Marlow made big eyes and leaned forward as if he could listen better to me that way. „Do you watch formula 1?", I asked wich he commented with a frowned forehead.„Why a change of topic now?" he tilted his head without understanding, „But yes, from time to time. But what does that have to do with your love life?" the confusion was painted on his face like a pattern. „Okay, so I'm sure you also know Charles Leclerc...," I said with a grin cause I knew he would understand the rest himself. „Don't say he's the lucky one," he struck enthusiastically and astonished his hand in front of his mouth. „Okay, wow!", he added when I nodded. „But how is it? Are you together?", I drank a bit of my coffee before I answered. I didn't know if the caffeine or the fact that I talked about Charles was the reason why my heart beat faster.
„Yes, for a few weeks, or even months? He is a really fine man and we get along with each other very good. I never thought that I would ever find someone like him. ", I stirred dreamily in my cup.
„Hard to believe.", Marlow took a sip from his coffee while it was still difficult for him to believe me. „So that means your life is now full with grand prix's and expensive trips?", I almost swallowed myself when he finished the last part of the sentence.
„Do you really think I exploit him for his money?", I asked stunningly but when he started laughing, I rolled my eyes. „Stupid guy.", I kicked him under the table with my foot against his shin. "You should have seen your look," he pointed to me amused. "God, that was too good," he held his stomach with laughter and had to wipe away a tear of joy.

„Okay, we laughed enough", I announced shaking my head. Although he had infected me with his laughter, the fact that he was actually laughing at me, something scratched my ego.

Soon he actually recovered and concentrated again on some more serious topics. "How's Elmo actually doing. Does he like it better at your home than here or why isn't he here?" my chest narrowed painfully. No, he would certainly like to be here. At least better than in the veterinary clinic. When Marlow recognized my abruptly serious look, he reached for my hand lying on the table. "Célina? Did something happen?" He lost the radiance as much as I did. „He lies in a veterinary clinic in Monte Carlo. Last night, Charles and I took him there. He wasn't feeling well at all," I said briefly. I felt a painful lump in my throat. My chest suddenly weighed heavily.

„Oh god. Do the doctors already know what he has?" based on how worried Marlow sounded, I only realized once again how much Elmo meant to the people at work.

„The assumption of a tumor is in the room, but to have the certainty, we have to wait for the blood results," I reported depressed. "That's terrible," the Briton slipped over his face with grief.
„Later I will immediately call Janet. I wanna know if she knew something about that. After all she was quite often at the vet with Elmo lately, but never with an explanation.", I pushed away the plate with the food. Now I didn't feel like I could eat anymore. „Now I also understand why you looked so tired this morning," my colleague and friend at the same time murmured and bit a little bit off his bun. "I really tried to fix it with concealer," I rubbed my eyes disappointed. Actually, I should have known that make-up could not completely cover up my enormous fatigue.

„It's not bad. I've had shitty days too," he waved off. I nodded when I remembered his once after-party morning.

When I contacted Janett by phone in the evening after my work, she revealed to me after a lot of back and forth that she actually knew of problems with Elmo's belly. However, she had rejected blood samples due to the additional costs. Only when I hung up, I sighed angrily. Until then, I had to control myself. How could she put her dog's health in the background of importance?

Instead of driving home, I finally made a detour to Monte Carlo, where the clinic was located. Elmo wagged joyfully, but still tired with the tail, when he saw me. I stretched my hand through the steel rods and touched the old dog's head. He stretched him even more towards me when I touched him, as he was too weak to get up. "How are you?" I whispered close to tears. "I hate to see you like that, do you know that?" thoughtfully I drove roundabouts over the fur. As if he understood me, he looked at me with apologizing eyes.  „You aren't guilty..." I looked to his paw where a bandage was tied. That was probably the place where his blood was taken before. „I am so sorry.", I whispered close to tears. To see him like that made my heart pulling together painfully.

Melody of death | English Version | Charles Leclerc FFTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon