sixteen ఌ

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The time until Friday ran away from under our feet and then it was time. Towards early in the morning, Ayla and I had started packing all the things in the suitcases. In addition to two jeans and underwear, I also packed hoodies. I put my hand luggage in a small bag. Including deodorant, a comb and hygiene products. Of course, my headphones could not be missing either. Ayla was finished at the same time as me and put her things in the hallway right next to mine. „And what do we do now? It's still an hour and a half until we get picked up," Ayla asked, leaning against the wall.
Ich seufzte unwissend.

„I got it. We are now going to stalk your admirer on Instagram." Full of energy, Ayla grabbed my cell phone out of my hand and ran into the living room. „Hey, why are you taking mine and not your phone?" I asked her indignantly and sat down next to her on the sofa. She shrugged her shoulders and unlocked my screen with the code she now knows by out of her head. She opened Instagram and typed his name in the search bar. In fact, I had never thought of looking for him on Instagram before.

„Uhh look. Here we have him. Let's see..." she clicked on his profile and I froze as I saw the number of followers.  5,6 Million! Goddamn and with such a famous human was I sitting in a café two days ago, talking about the upcoming weekend...?!

Ayla scrolled through his many posts. I didn't miss all the red color on them.
„Oh take a look. He only drives since this year for ferrari." , told the blonde next to me and clicked on a photo on which he smiles happily into the camera. Under the post stood ‚1st Day wearing full red'.

Suddenly Ayla tapped on the blue font 'Follow'. I screamed in a panic. "No, what are you doing?" I tried to take my cell phone away from her, but she was always taller than me. She ran through the whole apartment while I my mouth was staying completely stunned open.  „He now sees that I'm following him, do you realize that?" I found myself in disbelief and shook my head.

„Hahaha, as if he notices this with all the notifications he receives every day. Besides, he doesn't even know your name on Insta," said the Canadian laughing and gave me my phone back.

„I have to delete all my highlights and posts" , I decided at short notice and archived the five posts I have on my profile. "No, they are so beautiful. Just make your profile private," Ayla replied, but she didn't know how little she was right about it. I don't even know why I ever posted the pictures. In two photos I am smiling and if I'm honest, both are a lie. I pretended to be happy, even though I wasn't in the slightest. It's therefore better to take down these pictures anyway in order not to pretend anything that in the end is not reality.

„Already too late." I explained to my best friend and pointed on my profile where now stood
‚0 Posts'. I had left the highlights, but only because Ayla begged me for it in the next few minutes. She is one of the girls who looks at the highlights of her followers every day out of boredom.

Shortly before 12:30 it rang and Ayla and I grabbed our luggage and then went downstairs. A black SUV stood in front of the house and a blond-brown-haired, about 20-year-old man leaned against it. He smiled kindly when he saw us and pushed himself off the car. "Ladies..." he took off our suitcases and put them in the open trunk. "Are you Sam?" Ayla asked curiously and stretched out her hand to the guy. "Yes, that's me. And you are Célina?" he asked back. Ayla laughed into herself and shook her head. "No, I'm Ayla. That's Célina." she pointed at me with a nod and let go of the man's hand.

„Ah Hello Ayla. And hello Célina," he turned to me and held out his hand to me. I nodded to her and smiled.

„Good, then let's go. We have to be at the airport on time." the man announced and opened the rear car door. First Ayla climbed to the back seat, then I followed. We probably both didn't have the desire to take the passenger seat.

Melody of death | English Version | Charles Leclerc FFWhere stories live. Discover now