thirty-nine ఌ

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I was woken up by my incredibly annoying alarm clock from my not really restful sleep and I almost threw my cell phone against the wall. „Give me five minutes!" I moaned angrily and pressed „Stop." I pressed my pillow on my head and pinched my eyes.

Might nobody....

Too late. My cell phone made another deafening noise and I screamed into my pillow in frustration.

... annoy me now

I groped next to me for the stupid thing and looked at the display. But when I realized that it was neither the alarm clock nor a person I didn't feel like talking to now, I straightened up. I took the call and when I heard the known, warm and deep voice, I had to smile and all my bad mood disappeared.

„Good morning Chérie. How are you?"

„Okay. What about you?", my breath good slower but I felt suddenly longing. I needed Charles with me. After yesterday, I would have liked to go to him in the evening, but my inner voice strictly forbade me to do so. After all, I didn't want to get on his nerves unnecessarily.

So I went to myself and hid under my blanket, as if I could keep the demons in my head away from me. But they abused me til the morning hours. Probably the three hours of sleep, or the hours I didn't sleep, were responsible for my aggression this morning.

„I'm fine. But if I'm honest you sound very done.", Charles confessed a from the other end of the line.  How can he recognize that? Not even my parents would have realized now that something is wrong.

„It's not very important. Just had a demanding day yesterday.", I lied and I twisted my face in an apology. I didn't want to lie to him, but I didn't want to explain to him what was going on over the phone.

„You know as good as me that there is still
more.", Charles' voice now sounded teaching and at the same time sensitive. I lowered my eyes and just mumbled something pointless.

„I'm down in front of your door now to pick you up. Are you coming down?" I took my phone in front of my face and stared at the display in shock. 10:15! Oh no... Charles contacted me yesterday and asked if it would be okay if he picked me up at ten and I had agreed. I raised my phone back to my ear and sighed desperately.
„I am sorry, I overslept my alarm clock today's morning. I shortly make me ready. In ten minutes I am down with you." I heard an understanding "yes" and then ended the conversation. Fast I jumped out of the bed and rushed to the bathroom. I got scared by myself. Quite apart from my bewitched hair, my face looked like I had celebrated for at least three days and taken a few substances. I grappled my  toothbrush, brushed my teeth, combed my hair and made up. After that I looked like an alive human again. I rummaged out of my wardrobe with a white top and black shorts. Under it I pulled my white bikini because Charles said yesterday I might need it. From my bedside table I grabbed my earrings and necklace and in my handbag I put my cell phone and a sunscreen.

One last look in the mirror, then I rushed out of my room and slammed the apartment door behind me shortly afterwards. Faster than ever before, I ran down the stairwell and then stepped outside. On the other side of the street, I discovered Charles sitting in his Ferrari. I automatically started to beam and my heart beat happily higher. I walked around the car and got into the passenger seat. After peppering my handbag into the footwell and fastening myself, I leaned to Charles and kissed him on the mouth. He took my head in his hands and returned the kiss.

„Hey!", he started the engine, turned his car just to drive down the street to the sea seconds after. „What are you up to?" I asked, as a huge question mark was still buzzing in my brain. "You'll see that soon," Charles grinned mischievously and looked concentrated on the street. I sighted and leaned back in the seat. At the curve, where it went left to my work, Charles drove on. After about five minutes he parked his car in a side street near a small harbor. Confused, I got out at the same time as him and followed him to the entrance gate. Charles held a card in the form of an identity card to a scanner, then it beeped and the gate swung open. He let me go first and then put his arm around my shoulders. "Now my love...", he came with his face right next to mine and sounded mysterious, "let's go visit my baby." without understanding, I turned my head to him and frowned. His baby? Did he concealed a girl from me?

„Don't look that way. Don't worry. I am not cheating on you.", he gave me a fast kiss on my cheek to make his statement clear.

„Okay...", I slowly nodded.

We entered a dark brown wooden walkway and after a few meters Charles stopped abruptly. I looked around. To the right of us, a large gray yacht was docked. In the light that radiated down on her from the sun, she looked even more powerful than she actually was.
Charles took me by the hand and let me up on the yacht. Irritated about if it was just a dream or reality I pinched my arm inconspicuously. But it stayed that way and then I also felt how the ground under my feet began to rock and i realized that it really happened. I went on a yacht with Charles Leclerc!

„You own an own yacht?", I hooked up again as a precaution and let him guide me around the deck.
„Yes, I bought her in the beginning of this year.", he opened the door to the cockpit. The leather interior of the seats sparkled towards me beige and all the buttons for the driver glittered because they were so cleaned. Through the window I saw the harbor in front of us, which Charles probably still wanted to leave today. At least that's what I thought when he suddenly pulled down a lever and pressed a few buttons. Loud hum sounded and it wobbled briefly.„Wow." it frightened came over my lips and  I grabbed for the backrest of a seat in the last moment. Charles began to laugh and took the steering wheel between his fingers.

„Are we leaving the port?" I asked and watched him very closely as he steered us out of his "parking space" without any problems.

„That was my surprise. But the main part is still coming up.", he winked at me. I nodded suspiciously, turned my gaze outside and looked at the sea as it passed us and sprayed white foam up.

When we left the stone wall that bordered the harbor behind us, Charles accelerated and I pulled my eyebrows up in amazement. Since when can small ships in the form of a yacht sail THAT fast?

I stepped next to Charles. He looked up at me smiling and grabbed my hand. Wrapped with his, he put it on the steering wheel and left the control to me. I didn't dare to exert strong pressure, but Charles nodded to me confidently and gave me the necessary self-confidence. I slightly steered to the left and immediately noticed how we were actually driving a curve. I felt Charles kissing me on the back of my head and murmured a "well done".

Melody of death | English Version | Charles Leclerc FFDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora