fifty-two ఌ

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The warm sun tickled my nose. Overslept, I blinked and looked around in search of orientation. I looked out of the glazed room front, behind which the city was reflected on the water. A fishing boat just returned to the harbor, which could be observed perfectly from our room. A sailboat, on the other hand, was setting course to escape from the encircled harbor.
I carefully put off the blanket from me to not wake Charles and stepped to the window front. That would be exactly the view with which I would want to wake up for the rest of my life. European North Sea, a small port, a colorful city and green landscape all around. Why couldn't it always be so beautiful?
Strong arms unexpectedly embraced me from behind and gently enclosed my stomach. I put my hands right on Charles's and smiled over his shoulder. If only he could feel the butterflies under his fingers...
„Isn't that beautiful?" I asked without really expecting an answer. I knew Charles loved this view. Already last night, when we both entered the room in amazement, the happiness in his expression had hardly disappeared.
„It's fantastic"
„What are we doing today? Do you have anything planned?" I turned around in his arms so that I could look him in the eyes.
„First we have to clarify a few things at the front of the reception, go for breakfast and then we could look at the surroundings," suggested the Monegasse and pulled me even closer. "Good plan," I grinned mischievously and looked in love into his green eyes.

A passionate kiss later, I disappeared into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth in no time, went to the toilet and washed my face. While Charles then took care of his hygiene stuff, I put on my outfit. Last night I just put on a sweater and sweatpants. For today I chose an olive-green cargo pants and a beige hoodie. I still put on white knitted socks over my white socks, because it was freezing cold outside despite the sun. When we were both finished a little later, I was just about to walk to the door, so Charles pulled me back again. He had his cell phone in his hand and put his other arm around my shoulder. He grinned at me and nodded to the big mirror on the wall in front of us. It clicked in me and I smiled at our reflection. Charles took a photo and then kissed me on my wine-red cap. Feelings of happiness flowed through my body. Feeling how much he loved me touched my soul.

Satisfied, we finally made our way to the hotel lobby. After Charles had done the paperwork there, we went to the restaurant, which was directly adjacent to the lobby. White lamps hung from the ceiling and threw pleasant light into the large room. A window front offered a panoramic view on the mountainous landscape and the sea.

Cool air received us when we left the hotel shortly after eleven and made our way to the city. We chose the path along the port. It smelled of fish and fresh sea air. We met friendly people who even recommended a few spots to us which we shouldn't miss to visit during our stay in Tromso. In the center of the city, away from the waterfront, we found a souvenir shop. The building had a red facade and the roof shone with dew covered in black.

I nodded to the glass door, which Charles immediately understood. I pressed the door open carefully, as if there could be a danger behind it or the glass could break. But that was not the case. A friendly young lady was about to put a few goods on a shelf and greeted us with a wave. We waved back and then turned to the wooden shelves. They were filled with painted boxes, small notebooks and colorful candles. Various pendants hung on one stand, in another postcards were fanned. I let my gaze wander through the room. It smelled strongly like orange, so that is gave me uncomfortable flashbacks of the apartment if my uncle. It always smelled like these orange fruits so that this fragrance had been imprinted in my senses like a tattoo. My chest became more heavy. In the same moment, I tried to forget the smell. I stepped to Charles, who leafed through a notebook and lifted his head as he noticed me. „The shop is cute.", he murmured contentedly. „But it's very expensive. Let's move on." I nodded, happy to escape this smell.

After the shop, we made our way to the place I had already read about on the Internet. It was the pointed building that I had already seen from our hotel room. The white facade in its splendor inevitable caught my eye and I let my eyes stay on it for a long time. The Arctic Ocean Cathedral, a cathedral that looks more like a diamond than a building where people seek peace.

With Charles' hand in my crossed, we entered this sacred place. Warmth enveloped us like an invisible coat. We quietly crept over the stone floor in order not to break through the silence prevailing in here. A few people sat sporadically on the benches, which were oriented straight towards the desk. Although I do not believe in God or other religious figures, this place felt special, somehow like a retreat where you can stay for a short time.

I looked at the mosaic stones on the disc at the end of the cathedral. They showed a bluish figure, wrapped in a golden veil. The background was also blue, but darker than the figure. I have always admired such art.

We walked on to a place where you could take a candle and then light it. That's exactly what we did and everyone set them on fire themselves. For others, it might just be a small flame that wobbled around slightly because of the wind, but for me it was more than that. A commitment that I could now draw new strength and warmth from this trip to win the fight against my demons. The fight that seems so senseless and hopeless for me since everything which I had built up fell apart like a house of cards. Nothing but dust was left behind. And even if I love Charles more than anything, sensity accompanies me at the same time, because I know that he deserves something better.

The next few days passed like a film that comes to an end far too quickly. Charles and I had tried ourselves while hiking, spent evenings in the Roast Bar right by the water, visited other sights and completely lost ourselves in this idyllic city. The highlight, however, were by far the northern lights, whose green veils completely numbed my senses. But as always, everything goes by, just like this holiday. However, we wanted to spend the last evening outside again, in our favorite lighting room. We took our rental car and parked it in the clearing, which was made accessible to cars. We climbed on the hood of the car and Charles pulled me into his arms. While the Northern Lights delivered a show in front of us, as if they knew exactly that we were leaving tomorrow, I had to think about a question that has been buzzing through my head since the flight to this dream country.
„Charles?", he looked down at me with a questioning gaze. „Why Norway?" I asked.
It didn't take long for me to receive an answer. „Do you remember Montreal when we were in China Town and talked about destinations? Your wish was to be close to the sky once," he took a break and pointed to the shining northern lights. „Where can you be closer to the sky, than here?" I began to smile moved. He remembered it, didn't travel here according to his destinations, but to fulfill this wish for me. This only showed me again why I love this man and would like never to let go.

I snuggled even closer to Charles' chest as it became more and more frosty. "You are an angel, only without wings," I whispered gratefully. At the same time, I was overwhelmed by sadness, which resembled homesickness. But not home, but to this place. I would like to stay longer...

Melody of death | English Version | Charles Leclerc FFWhere stories live. Discover now