thirteen ఌ

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The time until Tuesday flew away as if in a time-lapse, so I made my way to Monte Carlo shortly before 4 p.m on that day. Throughout the whole trip, I imagined in my head all the scenarios that could happen as soon as I sit at a table with Charles. But then I realized that it was just a meeting for the upcoming weekend and it has nothing to do with both of us.

There was a parking space available directly in front of the café, which I immediately took. Before I got out, I made sure in the rear-view mirror that my make-up and hair were sitting. Everything was fine, so I got out. I stopped in front of the entrance. Only a few breaths later, I saw the gray Ferrari with the red and white stripe over the hood driving along the road. He parked two cars in front of my car and got out seconds later. With a big smile on his lips, he approached me and shouted a friendly "Hey" to me. "Heyyy." it came pleased but at the same time uncertainly over my lips.

„You look beautiful," Charles looked at me with big eyes.

I was suddenly wordless and apart from smiling I couldn't do anything. I have never been able to deal with compliments.

„Shall we go in?" The Monegasian asked and nodded to the door. I nodded violently because I really preferred to escape from this unpleasant situation than to stand further out here. We sat down at the last table of the row, which stretched along the left wall and were thus further away from the rest of the guests. Although it was anything but full at the time anyway. Nevertheless, I have not forgotten that Charles is well known and he is certainly a name for many here as well.

„So... I wanted to ask, my best friend is coming here to Monaco tomorrow and is expected to stay longer than the weekend. Is there a possibility that I can also take her with me? Otherwise she's so alone here..." I started. Inwardly, I hoped that the question was not inappropriate. Just yesterday I thought about whether it would be okay to leave Ayla alone for two days. After all, she only comes so rarely and being gone exactly then would logically be quite shitty.

„No, that's no problem. You can pass on the information to her and I'll send you the tickets later," relieved about Charles' friendly answer, I exhaled.

„So, I'll let you and your girlfriend get picked up at your house on Friday evening at 12:30. Sam will then drive you to the airport and also be with you on the flight. Once in Canada, he will drive you to your hotel and from then on you will be alone. However, if you have any questions or emergencies, you can contact him. He's in the same hotel." Charles spoke as a matter of course about the trip to Canada, as if he were a businessman or something like that.

„Wait wait wait.", I looked at him slightly confused, "Who is Sam, please? And I thought we were flying with you, where are you?" I wanted to know completely irritated, because I had imagined the whole trip a little differently. Charles smiled and then started talking again. "Sam is my manager. Don't worry, he's very nice and I wouldn't let him accompany you if I didn't know you were 100% safe. And to your second question: No, I won't be there when you arrive, as I already have to go to Canada on Thursday." Understanding, I nodded. "What about the costs now. How much do I have to pay for the flight, the ride of your manager, the hotel stay and the time at the racetrack?" I actually had my concerns about the money. I was well aware that Charles insisted on taking the costs into his own hands, but who would like to accept money? Especially if it is such a large sum, because the weekend will certainly not take place under 1500 euros.

Charles gave an amused laugh. "You're not serious now, are you?" He considered me with a stunned look.

I shrugged my shoulders. The Formula 1 driver then sighed, but smiled. "Célina, I invited you to this weekend, although it doesn't matter either... I'll pay for everything you incur in terms of costs. EVERYTHING! Whether the means of transport, breakfast or the stay in the paddock. Let the money be my concern, please. Even if you watched every race weekend, I would give you the money every time. Whether you like it or not."

Stunned by Charles' clear and unmistakable answer, I shut up for a moment. I knew very well that there was no point in trying to change his mind. He had set a point and I shouldn't make a comma out of it.

"Okay." I only brought over my lips subjected.

After I was still in the gym later in the evening, I jumped back home in the shower. I turned the water so hot that it burned like fire on my skin. But that's exactly what I love. It hurts, but sometimes these are exactly the things the body demands. It's the things you enjoy, even though they're not good for yourself, but you still do it to yourself...

Melody of death | English Version | Charles Leclerc FFWhere stories live. Discover now