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Outside, the deep dark starry sky received us, where not a single cloud could be seen. It seemed so infinitely far and unattainable. I was fascinated by the incredible abundance in which the darkness hovered over us and completely surrounded us. I have always found the night sky impressive. When I was younger and needed time to think, I often ran away from home in the evening, walked to the beach and lay down in the sand there. I looked up into the glittering ceiling. Somehow the millions of lights have always given me comfort and advice. I don't know how, but I always came back and felt a little bit better.

We strolled to the promenade, where it was deserted at the time, and leaned against the railing. For a while, we both said nothing, but just stared at the sea, which seemed so peaceful and flawless. At the small harbor in front of us, various boats dod, which hardly moved in the calm water. It was quiet. Not even the seagulls made a sound, only the neighboring cats were occasionally heard screaming, as they probably fought for their sleeping place.

It was that quiet, that I could listen to Charles with even breath, which had a reassuring effect on me.

„You like stars?" Tore me the smiling man out of my thoughts. I turned my gaze, which I had directed towards the sky for the last seconds, at him. I was firstly confused about that he noticed that.

„Yes", I replied thoughtfully and looked out at the sea.

„Is there a reason for this?" He continued to ask with interest and lay down his elbows on the railing. I felt safe in his environment. That safe that I opened my mouth and started telling. „A few years ago, I always broke out my room in the evenings and lay down at the beach up there.", I pointed to the sandy beach not far away from us. „When I was upset or sad, the look up to the sky full of stars, was something that helped me. As I have come back home, I always felt much better. I know that it must sound strange..." I had to shake my head. My own thoughts seemed strange to myself and I already suspected that Charles will laugh at me. But he didn't. On the contrary. „No, honestly, I don't think it's crazy at all, but very exciting. So stars were like a medicine for you, do I understand that correctly?" he asked and I nodded.

„When was the last time you have you been there?" - „My last evening trip is years ago... After all I am not living here anymore, but I'm only here at the weekends...." I explained shortly but understandably.

Charles suddenly took me by the hand and pulled me with him. I looked at him without understanding, but was not able to resist to his grip. My brain seemed to have been set to power saving mode...

„Then let's go and watch stars together." He decided with a grin and led me to the sandy beach. We climbed over the railing one after the other and ended up in the beige sand, which unfortunately rushed into our sneakers. Charles, who had also noticed this, looked at me briefly silently and then laughed at our stupidity. I got in and shook my head when I looked at my feet. I decided to take off my shoes to leave them here with my socks. At such a time, no one comes by here anyway and is certainly not interested in standing shoes... My counterpart did the same to me and also put his shoes under the railing, right next to mine.

Next to each other we strolled over the cooled sand towards the sea. Shortly before the border, at which the waves spilled onto the beach, we sat down and lay down on our backs. And then the huge starry sky stretched out in front of my eyes and I suddenly felt just as at home as I did then.

Melody of death | English Version | Charles Leclerc FFWhere stories live. Discover now