twenty-eight ఌ

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The next morning I was woken up by the moving upper body of Charles, on which my head lay. I spent the night with Charles. Nothing had happened between us anymore, but it still took a long time for us to finally go to sleep. We had a lot of conversations that we didn't just want to stop.

I lay down for a moment before I understood that today was not a normal day. I narrowed my eyes and hummed listlessly. Grumbling, I fought my way out of bed, although I would have liked to stay with Charles even longer, but there was simply no time. I looked for my cell phone and ended up finding it on the floor next to the bed. I must have thrown it carelessly out of my pocket yesterday before I fell asleep.
8:47, the numbers on the display beamed towards me and told me to start slowly. I sneaked into the bathroom, washed my face, rinsed my mouth and went to the toilet. My hair looked like it was hit by the hurricane personally, so I tied it into a simple bun. I could fix it again at home.

I left my reflection behind a little later and stepped back into Charles' room. He slumbered calmly and I hesitated to wake him up. On the other hand, I didn't just want to go without saying anything. I bit my lower lip and had to smile at the sight. I quietly stepped to his bed, leaned down and hugged him while my head embedded in the crook of his neck. „Charles. I have to go," I whispered in a calm voice. A hum came back, then it got a little nicer and I finally felt him moving and his one hand driving over my back. „Where do you have to go?" he asked, his voice was still rough and deep because he just woke up.
„Today is the wedding of a work colleague. I'm invited," I murmured.

"Okay. I'll drive you home," briefly determined, he pressed a kiss on the back of my head and wanted to get up. I rolled down from the side of him and sat down on the edge of his bed. When he stood in front of me, my gaze fell on his naked upper body. Like a thirsty dog, my eyes stuck on it and I only realized that when Charles smiled. I shook my head briefly and then looked at my hands, which were nervously intertwined.
„It's fine ma Chérie.", He stroked my cheek with a finger and smiled. I turned red and had a hard time looking him in the eye. The fact that he had called me like that warmed my heart and at the same time it made me nervous.

When Charles parked in front of my apartment, I took my bag, with which I had run to work the day before, from the back seat and opened the door. Charles accompanied me to the front door, held my hand there and was silent for a while. I waited for him to say something, because I registered that he was looking for words.
„Célina, thank you for yesterday. That you entrusted me with your fear, I mean.", He raised his eyes and now competed with my eyes to see who was the first of the two of us to look away.

"I trust you," I murmured and squeezed Charles' hand. This one was warm, mine cold.

"Take care of yourself today," I nodded, "When will we see each other again?" Charles had a sound of longing in his voice.
„On Sunday?", I suggested and Charles nodded violently. "I will then pick you up at your home. I already have an idea," he winked at me with a grin and I had to wrinkle my forehead. "What do you have in front of Lord Perceval?" I asked suspiciously and came one more step closer to him. I stood on the ten tips, so that our noses almost touched. I looked at him researchingly. Smiling, he pressed his lips on mine and thus interrupted my search for the answer in his eyes. Grinning, I detached myself from him and hugged him instead, as if I could keep him with me forever.
Chérie, call me if something happens, okay?", Charles scratched my scalp and then kissed my hair.

"I'll do it. Now, however, I have to take a shower first.", I reluctantly pulled my arms back to myself and stepped back two steps, turned around to the front door and then unlocked it. I bumped into her with my foot and turned to my companion one last time. "Bye Bye." I formed a flat hand, kissed it and pretended to blow the kiss towards him.

Melody of death | English Version | Charles Leclerc FFWhere stories live. Discover now