eighteen ఌ

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„Hey! Who are you?" a male voice got our attention and we drove around scared at the same time. The man came through the door in this time and looked at us with a frown. „Ayla and Célina." , began Ayla and jumped up from the couch. She gave the man her hand friendly. I also stood up and did the same to not seem unfriendly. „Mattia." he introduced himself to us and then let go of my hand.

„Do you have cards?" he asked still not completely convinced. We nodded and held our cards with which we have come through the entrance under the nose. He nodded understandably and left us without saying  something more.

„Célina!" After Mattia had disappeared, Ayla held her hand in front of her mouth and looked at me in shock. „What?" I asked without understanding.

„That was the team principal of Ferrari!"

„You're kidding!" I stared at her stunned.

„No! I'm totally honest!" The blonde burst into laughter while I couldn't cope with it. Who meets the leader of an F1 team?

Ayla and I had spent a whole hour alone in the foyer and looked around a bit, although there was not much to visit in front of closed doors. The fact that Sam had said he had to go to a meeting for a short time was a bit understatement. Provided short meetings usually last an hour.

However, before Sam came back, a horde of other employees in red clothes came down the stairs. In the middle, I recognized Sebastian Vettel. According to Ayla, he also drives for Ferrari. If he's there, would Charles have to be somewhere or not? But he wasn't and Mattia Binotto didn't come either. Only Sam was in the back of the crowd and smiled when he saw us.

„Sorry for the long wait. It took a little longer," he apologized and asked us to get up with a movement of his hand.

„All good," I said calmly and Ayla nodded as a sign that she agreed with me.

„Are you ready for a crash course on 'rules on the racetrack'?" Sam looked at us questioningly as we followed him through the entrance door.

„I'm ready." I announced self-convinced.
„Me too!" , explained Ayla and hooked up with me. Next to each other we walked along the road that was between the paddock and the motorhomes of the teams.

„A very general thing first. Never touch a car from another team. Unless, of course, you have at least 20k left." I opened my eyes in shock when I heard the sum that Sam just pronounced as a matter of course.

„20K??" I asked in horror and Sam nodded violently. How can the penalty for touching a racing car be so expensive? Touching does not mean making a scratch on the paint right away. Especially since even that would not be noticed by the damage that can occur on the track.

„I would like to touch a car like that," Ayla suddenly thought out loud. I slapped her in shock, then she burst out laughing.

„You are so crazy!" I realized ironically and shook my head over her ideas.

„Over there is once Red Bull's territory and next to it that of Mercedes. If there are two teams that can never become friends, it's these two." My eyes wandered to the two racing stables that Sam pointed to and I could only easily see which rich people they were. On the veranda of Mercedes I discovered Toto Wolff. Ayla once told me about him and showed me pictures. He had a coffee in his hand and chatted with his colleagues with a smile. Apparently, the weekend has gone pretty well for him so far.
The team leader of Redbull instead, did not look very satisfied. Through the windows of the dark blue building, I could see him swearing with another man and even understood a few scraps of what he was saying. "He just took the curve away from Max!" Ayla suspected that it was about Lewis and Max again. According to her, this is probably normal.

Melody of death | English Version | Charles Leclerc FFWhere stories live. Discover now