thirty-eight ఌ

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„I'd rather stick with your other Ferrari," Linnea announced decisively when Charles told her on Sunday morning on the way to the racetrack about a crash he had at the beginning of the year. Said Formula 1 driver burst into laughter. „If you think..." he shrug his shoulders and turned his gaze back at the street.

While Charles had disappeared in the motorhome shortly before the race with Sam, I already sent my siblings to the premises above the garages. I waited on the porch of the oversized motorhome and looked at my cell phone for the first time that day. It was still in flight mode. When I deactivated this, a bunch of messages fluttered in. Including some from Instagram, Snapchat and WhatsApp. I was a little surprised by the amount of messages, which is why I opened my Instagram with a frown. A few unknown accounts have marked me among a few posts and I had received countless new follower requests. I clicked on a few of the posts under which I was tagged and had to swallow. There were pictures in which I could be seen. On one I walked next to Charles by the hand through the paddock. That was from yesterday, according to my outfit. Another showed me in the Ferrari garage, also yesterday. I closed Instagram and opened WhatsApp instead. Ayla had sent me a newspaper article from the picture. She had written ‚You are now officially wanted.' The title of the article was „Who is the new face in the paddock?" I rolled my eyes. They really didn't have any other topics to talk their mouths about, didn't they?

A hand on my shoulder caught my attention and I turned off my phone. „What are you doing?" Charles asked curiously. I waved off. „Just watch a few media shouts." I really didn't feel like letting such reports spoil my day now. My eyes fell on Charles or rather what he was wearing. He was not wearing his everyday clothes as before, but the racing suit. He had only pulled him up halfway, the sleeves hung down next to his legs. If he only knew how good that looked... Under his tight top, his muscles came to light. „Madame. Do you also want to look me in the eye?" I ran heated redness into my cheeks. I didn't notice how embarrassed I had stared at him. I pressed a kiss on his lips and smiled. „Sure." his eyes shimmered greenish and radiated so many positive vibes. They surprise me over and over again. How can eyes trigger such deep feelings in me? So much peace.

I joined my siblings smiling, while the racing cars were set up on the start and finish and pressed the gas to the formation Lap. This round is intended as an introduction to the track and to warm up the tires.

The fans in the stands cheered when all the cars placed themselves back in their starting place one after the other. At the traffic lights, the red lights gradually turned on and my heart took a beat as I waited for the moment when they went out and thus announced the start. The engines howled and tires squeaked under the acceleration of the drivers. They were dazing away and Charles was able to keep his place. On the screen in the Pit Lane, I watched the events, as they could now only be heard in the distance. In lap 5, Charles started an attack against Max, who tried to defend the position in front of him. Max understeered and drove too far out in the next corner. That gave Charles the chance to get past him. All my veins tightened and I stared at the screen as if spellbound. I jumped into the air with joy. Charles had actually left him behind and now raced past the fans. There were excessive RedBull fans, but between all the orange you could still see a bit of red. Through the radio message, you could hear how the Dutchman Verstappen cursed and complained that Charles had not given them a place. Inside, I began to laugh. Charles was behind him when he made a mistake, so it couldn't be his fault...

The next rounds took their course. Both Charles and Max were in the box for a pit stop in between and repeatedly fought a battle for first place. I watched the last corners of Charles' race. Hot blood flowed through every vein in my body. Linnea grabbed my arm because she also followed the last few seconds so focused. When the target flag for Charles was swung, we screamed around like bright chickens and danced arm in arm with joy. Benjamin joined our dance and cheered for his new friend.

Minutes later, I had gathered between the Ferrari employees and my siblings in front of the podium and turned my gaze upwards. First, Lewis came out as 3. Place. The crowd clapped for him and he waved. Next, Max came out. His look revealed that he was pissed off, but he also waved to his fans. My heart beat faster because I knew who would be the last to enter the podium. Charles, with his cap on which "P 1" was printed, came on the podium radiantly and stood in his rightful place. Today, no one could take away his smile.

His eyes wandered through the people until they met mine and got stuck with them. He began to smile in love and winked at me. There were cheerful tears between my eyelashes and I couldn't stop grinning moved. How did I deserve him?

After the drivers received their cups, Charles' national anthem was played. Only seconds after she was silent, the three best reached for the champagne bottles and sprayed acid rain on the cheering racing engineers, fans, relatives and all the other people. If I had known what the coming weeks would look like, I would certainly have stayed under the podium for five minutes longer and would have absorbed all the feelings in me...

Melody of death | English Version | Charles Leclerc FFWhere stories live. Discover now