thirty ఌ

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It took us about three-quarters of an hour until we were far away from the harbor. Charles drove us to something like a bay. Rocky cliffs protruded in front of us and the sea struck stormily against them at the point where they stepped into the water. In the turquoise-blue water, the high midday sun colored. You didn't see to the bottom, but still relatively far.

Charles stopped the engine and threw the anchor over the railing. With a dull sound he landed in the water and I still watched him for a few more seconds as he slowly drowned in the dark depths of the sea.

„Come with me.", Charles took my hand in his and pulled me more or less with him to the top of the yacht. The deck shimmered silver and reflected the cloudless sky. We stepped on the area, which was actually not meant to run over, but since it is Charles' property anyway, it doesn't matter.

The Monegasque took off his shirt and put it next to his AirForce which he had taken off before. He stepped to the railing, leaned over it and looked down to the sea. I skeptically observed him doing that. In the next moment he swung over it and as a result he now stood on the other side of the fence. He turned around and grinned to me. I frowned because I didn't know exactly whether to follow him or stay. As he turned away, he suddenly took momentum and jumped. I only heard the clapping when he dived into the blue. I didn't have to think much longer and took off my shoes, trousers and my top. My white bikini came to light. I turned around briefly to look at myself in the windows of the cockpit. At the same moment, I decided against it and turned away again. I don't want to torture myself with complexes today. I want to live now, with Charles, because it couldn't be more beautiful right now. I swung myself over the railing and when I stood at the place where Charles was jumping down, I looked down to the sea and saw him winking to me. I went so far back on the ledge that my back touched the railing. I got momentum, pushed myself off the yacht with my feet and flew. My jump felt longer than it probably actually was. I let go of something with that. Something that just almost destroyed my day. I can't name what it was, but when I dived into the cold ocean and sank deeper and deeper, I felt like someone would have taken something off my shoulders. A burden that I probably couldn't have carried any longer. I closed my eyes for a moment. Didn't dive up already. I let this feeling work on me. For a long time I didn't feel that way and almost forgot how it felt. Freedom.

Hands which grabbed mine and touched them hardly animated me to open my eyes again. He smiled warmly. I began to beam, out of full honesty.  No, it wasn't only the jump which healed something in me. He, Charles! He is one of the main reasons why I'm feeling better for weeks. And now, when I see him here in front of me below the visible world, I realize something. Charles never asked why I am how I am. He never wanted to know why I wanted to take my life. He just didn't let me alone until he knew the I was in safety. Far away from the bridge from which I wanted to jump down. Only when I was home, he had left me. He never forced me to do something. Not to eat and not to something else. He just accepted me the way I was and held me tightly. That was exactly the thing I missed all the past years. Yes, Ayla was also there and she gave me all of that, but it with her it wasn't the same as with Charles.

When I noticed how long we had been down here and that I slowly needed air again, I nodded towards the water surface. Holding my hands, Charles pulled me up. We both gasped for air, but when we stared at each other with a grin for a few seconds, we a started laughing. I didn't know why, but it felt good.

Although the water was much too cold for me at first, I didn't mind anymore. Probably because my heart was just so warm that no cold temperature could cause goose bumps on my skin.

Charles and I climbed back onto the yacht and this time jumped off board together and with holding our hands. Under water, he pretended to blow me a kiss. I grinned at him mischievously. When we dived up again, I swam to him, wrapped my arms around his neck and felt the heat between us. With his fingers wrinkled by the water, he pulled me even closer to him at my waist, so that our faces almost touched. My stomach tingled and my heart beat twice as fast as before. I leaned my forehead against his and watched his moving eyes. On his lips I could recognize a happy smiling.

Far and wide was no human soul. This moment belonged to us alone.

To annoy Charles a little, I began to provocatively nibble on his lower lip. I felt the heart in his chest beat faster and noticed him tense. "Don't drive me crazy," he threatened. You could clearly hear how much he had to control himself. I laughed at myself because I knew exactly how much I upset him. And usually it is very difficult to upset him, as he is a very calm and patient person. But when it comes to Formula 1 and cuddling - or what you may call it - his fuse seems to be a few centimeters shorter.

When I licked over Charles' lip, it was over. He attacked me with his mouth and sank his tongue into my throat, or at least was close to it. His hands didn't seem to know where to go first, so I sometimes perceived them at my waist, sometimes on my back or my butt. I threw my head in the neck when he sucked himself on my neck and bit my lips so as not to scream. On the other hand, no one would hear it here anyway...

I grabbed his upper arms and drilled my fingernails into them, so that there will probably be red traces tomorrow. "Oh ma Chérie," Charles brought heavy breathing over his lips. Shortly determined, we climbed up the ladder to the deck. When we arrived at the top, Charles pushed me against the window of the cockpit and kissed me on the neck. I tried to cling to him because I felt like I was weightless. And that scared me a little. But at the same time it felt beautiful.

Before I knew it, Charles got me on his arms, carried me into the cockpit and then carefully stepped down the stairs that led to a bedroom with an adjoining bathroom. He gently laid me down on the bed and then jumped next to me. I pulled him down to me by his neck.I got hotter with every second and I had to control myself so as not to devour him. While he continued to spread kisses in a sensitive area on my neck, one of his hands wandered down to my belly button. With the other, he drove under my back to open the closure of my bikini. Suddenly he stopped. „Only if you agree," he looked at me with a hesitant look. I knew he would understand if I refused, but I wanted this here. With him and right now at that time.

„I want it!" I whispered. Charles nodded with a smile and came back to my face with his head. At the same time, I felt my bikini loosen and he then pulled it off my breasts. Then he paused again and looked at me. „Célina, do you know how beautiful you are?" He looked deep into my eyes. Stirred but without replying anything, I bit his lower lip.

When he stared down at me again from above, I looked at his muscular upper body. I let my hand run over it, at the same moment he sank down on me again. His mouth enclosed my nipples, which immediately became hard like stones. I moaned and pushed my back through. He began to nibble and pull on them and stroked the insides of my thighs, which made me even more crazy. I drilled my fingernails even deeper into his back and my breath went faster. When I heard Charles' fingers in my most sensitive place, I thought I was falling, even if this was theoretically impossible...

With two fingers he massaged the area and with the other hand he ran over my stomach and made him tingle. His mouth kissed my neck and set my skin on fire with it. I swung one of my legs over his back because I finally wanted to feel him. I didn't know what it felt like to sleep with someone because I had never done that before. And nevertheless I knew it was just as right as it felt right now.

While his tongue found in my mouth, Charles withdrew from his shorts and shortly afterwards I felt his limb between my legs. I became mercilessly hot and my heart was pounding so hard in my chest that I thought it could jump out.

Suddenly I felt him greedily but cautiously penetrating into me and at that moment it had happened to me. I moaned hoarsely and stretched my pelvis towards him. It hurt a bit, but I still didn't want to exchange this feeling for anything. I thought I was floating when he brought me to my first and harrowing climax.

Melody of death | English Version | Charles Leclerc FFWhere stories live. Discover now