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For minutes I only heard the sea, which kissed the beach a few meters in front of us. I think Charles was also a bit overwhelmed by this sight. I wondered if he had ever been in the sand with clothes when the stars were shining above him.

A shooting star scurried over the cloudless sky. Charles had drawn the air scared just like me. "Wow!" it came over his lips with fascination. He turned his head to me and smiled. „You have to wish something. But only in your thoughts, otherwise the wish won't become reality." He whispered to me as if it was a secret that he told me. I nodded, turned my gaze away again and closed my eyes.

I want to be healthy again.

I put my hand on the place where my heart sat and opened my eyes shortly afterwards. I had no clue if that wish will something change in my life. So far, never has any of my wishes, which I said with either an eyelash or a shooting star, have come true. I already gave up almost all my hope that I'm going to be healthy again one day. In the past years, everything has changed into the worse. For sure there were also phases where I've been fine, but those existed much rarer than the bad ones.

After a while when we both didn't say anything, Charles sat up and looked down at me.A warm smile spread on his lips and I also had to smile immediately. I just couldn't hold it back. I also sat up and looked forward towards the sea to avoid the gaze of Charles. I felt him looking at me. I would lie if I said that this didn't make me nervous.

„So... if you didn't mind, I'd like to have your number." the man began and scratched his head insecurely. For this moment my mind was completely out of working, so I followed the feelings of my heart.

„Yes... so no, I don't mind.", I pulled my cell phone out of my back pocket, unlocked it and let the young man type in his number. I also did the same with his cell phone. „Thank you." he murmured and packed his phone again away shortly afterwards.

„Do you actually come from here?", Charles wanted to know a little later and hung his arms relaxed around his tightened legs.

„My mom is monegasque, my dad is originally from Canada, but immigrated here many years ago and therefore also speaks fluent French," I explained the roots of my self.

„I understand. Are you sometimes in Canada? Do you have family there??", Charles continued to ask and I clearly looked at him how attentive he was. That ignited a good feeling in me. He was really interested in my life.

"I used to be in Canada more often, but not anymore. My grandma lives there. My dad is there very often, almost every second week, I would say."

„Sounds interesting. Can you tell me a sentence or a word in Canadian??", The Formula 1 driver asked. I grinned. Apparently he doesn't know what language we speak in Canada. "In Canada, they speak English. Or French, depending on where you come from. I come from the English area, so I grew up bilingual."

„God, really now? But that's unpleasant for me now..." Charles scratched the back of his head. I had to laugh.

"Well, everything's fine. Can happen." I made a throwing hand movement and smiled. "Where do you actually come from?" I asked a counter-question. „I come from Monaco. To 100%." , Replied the Monegasque smiling and I nodded as a sign that I understood. „Célina, I still have a question. I have a race in Canada next weekend and wanted to ask if you might want to come. All expenses would I take over." , Charles offered insecurely and looked at me with a hopeful face. I was more than surprised and overwhelmed by the question.
„I...I don't know. It's actually very expensive..." I made my concerns open. However, Charles insisted again that he wanted to pay for everything. "And I really want you to be with me," he added at the end.

„Okay. I will come." , I finally gave myself a beating. Charles jumped up triumphantly and held out his hand to me. I accepted her gratefully and let him pull me up.
„Thank you! I'm really happy about that, Célina." , Said the Monegasque overjoyed and squeezed my hand. She was warm and felt delicate. When I took a look at his hand to take a closer look at it, I noticed a ring. I asked myself if he had a girlfriend, but on the other hand, he wouldn't invite me to a race, would he?
In the end, I decided to not ask any further, because I do not want to penetrate too deeply into his privacy.

„It's late. We should go back," I noticed and knocked the sand off my clothes. We trudged next to each other towards our shoes. After we put them on, we walked home next to each other.

After Charles and his family left, I helped my parents clear the table and put the dirty dishes in the dishwasher. But then I moved into my room, locked up and sat down on the edge of my bed. I sat motionless while my feelings within me threatened to crush me. I tried to sort everything and tried to understand, what the hell happened in the last few hours. With every minute that went by, I became calmer and soon I couldn't resist my grin. I would fly to Canada next weekend and immerse myself in the life of a Formula 1 driver.  No, not from any Formula 1 driver, to that of Charles Leclerc.

Melody of death | English Version | Charles Leclerc FFWhere stories live. Discover now