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Dressed with a full water bottle and my sports clothes, I entered the gym half an hour later, which I visit at least 4 times a week. „Fitness for Selflove" were the words of the logo that greeted me first.

Mara, a 30-year-old employee - she comes across more like a teenager - screamed excitedly when she saw me. Her red natural curls shone in the light that came from an LED lamp. Mara already has two children that I take care of from time to time when she goes out with her husband. Her daughters are sweet and are happy every time I come to visit her. I met Mara through the gym, now we are good friends, even though she is more than ten years older than me. But you don't notice that she is already so „old". On the contrary, I would rather say from the outside that she is a maximum of 23.

„Finally someone clever comes in here." she yawned exuberantly and told me that her day has apparently been totally boring so far.

„Oh dear." I laughed pitiedly and hugged her. „How is my girl?" She inquired with me as she pushed me away from her shoulders.

„Good and you?" I asked a counter-question and put on a warm smile.

„Oh, honey. I'm fine, there's just a lot going on with the planning of the move," the redhead sighed and smiled boldly. This depressing feeling spread in me again. Mara told me three weeks ago that she, her husband and the children will move at the end of the year. Away from Monaco. She plans to emigrate to the states, so she would be miles away from me. I am afraid of it and wish every day that she would change her mind. But she is so stuck in this plan that it is probably time to say goodbye at the end of the year.

„I feel sorry for you," I murmured. I didn't even want to imagine how exhausting it is to plan a move. All the house visits, especially when they are outside the country.

„I think I'm going to the fitness compartment now." I waved to her and walked away.

I locked all my things except my water bottle in a locker and then finally started doing sports. I continued until my limbs hurt, but in the end I was freer than before.

After I drove home again, I forced myself to take at least one banana and reaped a hell of a guilty conscience which haunted me into the night.

The following morning, my alarm clock woke me up at 8:00 and ended my dreamless sleep. I put on my work clothes - a black T-shirt and black jeans -, put on make-up in no time at all and then ran off. My workplace is only ten minutes away from me by car, which is very convenient. But even on foot it doesn't take too long, which is why I often take this route to sort out my thoughts.

Before I opened the door to the restaurant, where the breakfast menu was just handed over to all customers, the stressed Marlow reached me. As he passed by, he gave me a quick hug. „Hey Sally. As you can see, there is a lot going on. Could you get involved directly?" He asked what I nodded in the affirmative. I quickly brought my bag to the employee area and then quickly rushed to his aid. I took over the job behind the counter while Marlow carried cakes, rolls and coffee throughout the restaurant.

Around noon it became a little quieter and so I cleaned the individual tables, sorted dirty plates into the dishwasher and exchanged a few words with Marlow. For a few minutes, I also kept our house dog Elmo, a big old Bernese mountain dog, some company. He loves it terribly when someone lies down with him and scratches something. He is an unthinkable part at work for me because he was already there when I started working here three months ago.
During my lunch break, I sometimes go for a walk with him on the adjacent beach or just spend time by his side. Therefore, I have already been able to build a very close bond with him and have him firmly in my heart.

„Well, how's it going with you?" My work colleague inquired with me at some point when I was scratching Elmo behind the ears. I briefly turned my gaze away from the huge ball of wool and answered Marlow. „Everything is fine so far. And with you?"

„I'm engaged," he announced with a proud grin. I immediately looked up and looked at him in amazement. „Excuse me? That's great. Congratulations. Who made the proposal?" - „I, of course," he laughed and turned totally red. I was glad that he had found his happiness.

At 16:30 my shift was over and I wanted to go home, so Marlow stopped me. „Hey Célina. I completely forgot to tell you that you are invited, of course. So for the wedding." I made big eyes.

„That... Wow, thank you." I stammered and was immediately drawn into a warm embrace on his part. I quickly finished it again and took a step back. „Okay. I'm very happy about that, but I have to go now. See you tomorrow." I turned away smiling, but Marlow stopped me one more time. „Um, I won't be there for the morning shift tomorrow as agreed. I got an appointment to buy a suit at short notice. Sorry. But as far as I know, Clodine will come to you at some point," he glanced with an apologetic look. We both didn't like Clodine very much.

I forced a smile on my lips and made a throwing hand movement. „It's not bad. Have fun tomorrow!" - „Thank you very much."

I said goodbye to the fiancé only with short words and then rushed outside to the fresh air. I needed that now more than anything else. After a few breaths, I felt a little better and made my way home. The June sun burned on my naked forearms and tickled my nose. The flowers in the alleys shone in their most beautiful colors and it smelled wonderfully of summer.

All the beauty of summer can be so meaningless when the soul from someone is grey and colorless.

Melody of death | English Version | Charles Leclerc FFWhere stories live. Discover now