twenty-one ఌ

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After the others on the table have given their orders to the waiter, I only ordered a small summer salad. But that was enough for me. And at least I didn't get a bad conscience than.

„And? Would you to fly home on Monday or Sunday?" , Charles asked me and Ayla as the waiter left us.

„I have to be at work on Monday. That's why we already have to take the flight on Sunday evening.", I replied. Actually, I would really like to stay longer. Especially because I haven't been in my half-home country for so long, but unfortunately I can't take a vacation at the moment.

„Why don't you take time off??" , why have I known that someone will ask that? I turned to Sam who looked at me questioning.

„We currently have a shortage of employees and in addition, one of my colleagues is missing all next week because of the preparations for his wedding. I don't want to leave the only one who is left alone."

„Is that this blonde who was several hours late?" Charles asked and pulled an eyebrow up.

„Exactly her." Charles twisted his face in a derogatory mand. Didn't he like her at all? So I had only imagined his lovely smile with her at the counter? „If she can let you down, can you do that too?!" Charles said with a sound resentment in his voice. I shrugged my shoulders thoughtfully. Basically, he was right, but something in me resisted making such a bitch move.

„Honestly. You just have to reprimand such girls sometimes." Surprised by Charles' attitude, I looked at this one. At first I thought that Charles was exactly into bitches like Clodine. Apparently, however, this was not the case. And that's exactly what fascinated me in a way that I can hardly explain.

Soon after, the food was served and we talked about all sorts of things. It was good not to feel any glances on me all the time. And somehow I didn't feel uncomfortable eating something in front of these people. They didn't make me feel like there was anything bad about it. And above all, they don't put pressure on me as if I HAD to eat something.

When we left the restaurant, I took a longing look at the building next to it. It was the gym Ayla had talked about earlier. I would like to walk in there now and train a little.

„Or what do you think, Célina?" I turned away from this building and paid attention to the people again. „What?" I asked fast.

„Whether we should go to the Chinatown.", Charles repeated. Chinatown. I have been to Canada several times but the Chinatown here was only on my to do list until now.

„Yeah, that would be nice.", i replied happy.

With the car we only had to drive fife minutes until we arrived in the Chinatown of Montréal. A typical Chinese apparent tor with red bricks and golden columns welcomed us first. From then on were on the right and left some Chinese shops, restaurants and other cultural institutions. Of course, none of us could read the inscription from Chinese letters, but based on external features, we recognized what a restaurant and what a shop was.

Where we still saw people without slit eyes in normal Montreal, almost exclusively some walked around with them here. Instead of the old town houses made of limestone in the center of Montreal, there were higher houses here, which usually had a more modern construction.

Charles parked in front of a residential building on the side of the road, not far from the city gate. While Ayla and Sam walked along the sidewalk as a matter of course, I took out my cell phone, fascinated by this completely different culture and took a few photos.

„Crazy, isn't it?" The fact that Charles suddenly stood so close to me made me nervous and I let my cell phone sink. "Yes, very much." I mumbled dreamily into the special neighborhood.

„But I still couldn't imagine living in such a country or neighborhood," Charles admitted thoughtfully. I nodded in agreement. "For me, that wouldn't be anything either," I stood by the Monegasque and set in motion with him. "Where would you like to live?" he continued to research and attacked me quite unconsciously with a question that I have never really thought about. I looked at the sky as if the answer was there. "Somewhere I can be close to heaven," I replied thoughtfully. I have often dreamed of what it would be like not to live by the sea or mountain, but in the sky. It is not the desire to be up there that drives me there, but it is the will to feel connected to the none universe. To be able to drop the whole burden of life, just like dogs in summer their annoying winter fur.

„Interesting." , commented Charles with a warm and patient voice. „What about you?" , I wanted to know now. He as a rich and young man could be anything, or not? Fulfill every dream. Live where he wanted.

„Los Angeles." , I raised my eyebrows wounded. Rather, I would have expected New York or Dubai. „Why?", I asked and looked at him from below. After all, I was a lot smaller than him. The stubble of his beard hardly hid his soft skin. His lips were light pink and suddenly I imagined what it would be like if I kissed them. Amazed at my thoughts, I barely shook my head noticeably.

„I don't know. I have been there twice so far and...the city just has something. She is beautiful, has a lot of things you can do and nice people. I love that." , I attentively caught each of his words and let them circle in my world of thoughts.

„Hey, you turtledoons.", our gazes turned fast and at the same time to Ayla who stopped a few meters in front of us and grinned at us happily.

Charles was silent. And I did the same as him. What did Charles think now? What goes through his head when Ayla says something like that? Does it trigger anything in him?


Hello my lovely readers 💓,
so now the fire between the both gets a bit more more extreme and I am so excited about what you'll think about the next chapters. There are MANY things that are coming up.

I would be happy if you leave a star ⭐️ or a comment below as a sign of feedback. Because until now there hasn't been much of feedback (on positive and negative sides) that I got for the story:/

But now, I wish you a wonderful left Christmas time and much happiness with this story.


Melody of death | English Version | Charles Leclerc FFNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ