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The bell tore me out of my occupation staring out of the window. With quick steps, I went to the door and opened it. Right next to Janett, who conveyed me her dog a few days ago, stood certain balls of fur. He waved his tail tired when he recognized me and I knelt down to him to caress him. After a short greeting, I showed both visitors the newly furnished apartment and Janett was amazed with enthusiasm. „He'll have it good with you," murmured the older lady as she pressed the leash into my hand. Elmo first looked at me, then to Janett without understanding. My counterpart knelt down to the dog and scratched him behind his ears. A few tears had gathered in her eyes and her voice sounded brittle. „It's okay, my darling. Célina will take care of you from now on," she forced herself to smile confidently. „Of course," I confirmed cheerfully and nodded to my new roommate with a grin.

„Fine. Then I will go now. Like on Monday, you just always send me all the invoices. All right?"

"Arreed. Take care," I smiled warmly as a farewell. "You too. Until then," I accompanied her to the door and while Elmo looked very curiously, I closed again. "Well, big one? Ready for your new life?" I looked at Elmo in a good mood, who just sat there and looked at me crookedly.

In the same afternoon, Charles visited me. He immediately became friends with Elmo and the two cuddled sugar-sweet together, so I had to take a photo. Satisfied, I reached for the leash that I had hung on the wardrobe earlier. "Let's go for a walk," I shouted through the apartment. But neither Elmo nor Charles suggested my suggestion. With my forehead frowned, I went back into the living room. Charles was still lying next to Elmo in his seat and Elmo's head lay comfortably on Charles' hip. Both didn't seem to have any intension to move. "I'm sorry, but he's too sweet," the Monegasque grinned at me. I rolled my eyes laughing. "Well, Elmo, get up!" I clapped my hands invitingly, but the old dog remained as usual. I tilted my head. "Elmo!" I said again, this time more strictly. I shook the leash and tapped my thigh. Then he finally got up and tapped to me in slow steps. "Well," I praisingly patted his head and fastened the leash and collar to his neck. In the meantime, Charles had also got up to get up and now stood yawning in front of me. „Slept badly?" I asked. "Cuddleing with dogs makes you tired," he stretched demonstratively and yanned a second time. "Then going for a walk is the best medicine to boost your circulation again," grinning, I boxed against his shoulder and turned around to the door. While Charles put on his shoes, I scratched Elmo, who enjoyed leaning his head against my leg.

With relaxed steps we walked towards the beach, which is fortunately not far from me. Since there was almost nothing going on there, I let Elmo run free. While he was literally sniffing after his nose, Charles and me walked holding our hands next to each other and talked.

When my cell phone rang on the way back, I handed over the leash with Elmo to Charles to look at the display. When I recognized the name, my heart struggled to keep beating and I stopped abruptly. Within fractions of a second, the whole life I had built up in recent months and years fell down like a house of cards. I heard the blood rustling in my ears and hiding everything around me. Trembling, I lifted the cell phone to my ear and wiped to the right. I didn't even know why I took the call at all.

„Hello?", God damn, My voice was nothing but a scratchy beep. Should he immediately realize how much he threw me back with this call alone?!

„Célina. Or should I rather call you Lina?" I twisted my face angrily when he pronounced the nickname with which he used to always humiliate me. At the time, he had compared me to a character from an animated series, which I apparently looked very similar to. Although I was never thick or wider. I've always been slim. His laughter, which I now heard through my mobile phone, put an even deeper stab in my heart.

„What do you want?!", I was surprised by myself how toxic my voice suddenly sounded. "Well, don't be so angry. I didn't do anything to you," I listened stunned to the words he said in his microphone. He knew exactly what he was doing to me.

"I just wanted to hear how you are doing. Your mom told me that you were recently on a Formula 1 race with your siblings. Since when? You were always not the one who was interested in sports...", The second meaning in his last sentence, I immediately understood. Although he knew very well that I danced ballet as a child. What he didn't know is that he was the reason why I stopped at some point. "That's not your fucking business" I growled at him and tried to sound quietly so that Charles wouldn't hear it. "You seem averse to me. Why? I didn't do anything wrong to you.", He took a break and I could literally hear him grin, "You should apologize for not getting in touch for years. Even though I was so good to you..."

I started cooking. That was his scam to present me as the guilty one by an accusation. Just to see me weak again. "Well, actually I'm glad I don't have to see you. I'm sure your siblings feel exactly the same way, that's why they're not with you in Monaco. And that's why your parents helped you find an apartment at the time. Do you understand? They no longer wanted to live with such a loser as you," he enumerated with a condescending voice and with every further word, the knife in my chest drilled even deeper into my heart. Tears gathered in my eyes. I didn't want to cry, not because of him. But I couldn't be strong anymore. He pushed me into a corner again, as always when I was with him.

"You are simply worthless. You are a useless, a failure," he continued to mock.

That was it. I pressed the red button and stared at my phone in shock. Pain spread throughout my body and filled every smallest fiber of my soul with the same dark shadows that raged in me until a few weeks ago. All the steps I had taken forward simply no longer had any meaning. I was back at the very beginning and felt so powerless and helpless. Suddenly, nothing seemed touchable anymore.

„Célina?", I only heard Charles muffled on my ear, but felt him put his hand on my shoulder. I blinked away the tears and wiped my face with the back of my hand. Oh God. I didn't want to show him this side of me. Not this side of my past. I just wanted to close and prevent this from becoming an issue in our relationship. But now my wounds have been torn open so violently that Charles saw the blood flowing out of them.

„Talk with me ma Chérie.", he begged me and took my face between his hands. I was forced to look in his eyes but at the same time that made be breaking apart in pieces.

Melody of death | English Version | Charles Leclerc FFWhere stories live. Discover now