twenty-fife ఌ

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After my shift at 12 a.m. I strolled to my car. For that I love the Monday. I usually only have to work until twelve o'clock, so only over the café shift. Leaning against my car, I discovered Ayla who put her cell phone away when she saw me. She hugged me euphorically and asked how the work was. "Good, but as expected Clodine didn't show up. She wrote something to me but I haven't read it yet," I told eye-twisting. Ayla moaned annoyed. „That was so clear. Can't you even complain to the boss?" my best friend demanded and said what I already let go through my head earlier.
„Hmm, no clue. In the end I don't want to mess up the relationship between her and me.", I unlocked my car, „What do you think how much she would hate me when I make such a move.", I concluded annoyed and got in. Ayla took a seat next to me in the passenger seat and slammed the door behind her.
„You really have a long fuse," she noted and shook her head without understanding. "But now let's not worry about it. Let's Go Shopping.", the blonde squeaked with anticipation and drummed impatiently on the dashboard.

The days passed by and while Ayla has extended her vacation for two days so she would only leave on Friday, I fought myself through the working-week. When Friday finally started and I was happy that I didn't have to work until 1 p.m., my eyes fell on my cell phone. Charles' name was on the display. I frowned because I didn't expect a message from him, but I was happy. I unlocked my lock screen and read the lines carefully.

[Hey Célina. I hope you got home safely on Sunday evening. I would like to see you again soon. Do you have any thing to do tonight?]

I grinned and narrowed my eyes. He wants to see me. Me? Tonight Ayla will already be gone and after work I could tolerate some company well. So I typed back quickly.

[Hey Charles. Yes, I arrived safely. Tonight works for me. If you want, you can pick me up at work. I finish around 6:30 p.m.]

I put my phone aside, but had to take a look at it about every five seconds to see if Charles answered. Only when Ayla announced herself with the bell, I turned away and ran to the door. Ayla took me in her arms smiling as always and I allowed her to enter. She stayed last night with her aunt at the other end of the city.
I spent the morning in the city with Ayla. We drank coffee, talked about a few things and she assured me to come back as soon as possible. At 12:30 I said goodbye to her. It made me sad to let her go. Last time we didn't see each other for months. Hopefully it will only be for weeks this time.

I strolled to work on foot after her departure. Surprisingly, Clodine was already there when I arrived. What surprised me, however, was that she talked to our boss and didn't look exactly enthusiastic. I put my bag down at Elmo and scratched the dog just behind his ears.
An annoyed male sigh behind me drew my attention a few minutes later. It was Jeff Labrille, my boss. I got up and looked at him as he leaned against the door frame and stared into the void with his arms crossed for a while. His gray, curly hair was tangled. It didn't match his jacket and suit pants. Judging by his clothes, he looked more like a real estate agent.
„Everything alright?", I finally asked.
„I am very glad that you are such a reliable worker. Why didn't you tell me earlier that Clodine is constantly letting you down?", He reproachfully glanced at me. I saw him trying to understand me.
„I didn't want an argument.", I confessed and shrugged.
„I talked with her. If it happens one more time, please talk to me.", the elder just wanted to leave the room when I stopped him. „Monsieur Labrille, Who told you about it?", A calm smile crept onto his lips.
„Layla, she recognized that you were working alone on Monday. She worried because you didn't say anything so she suspected that you're going through this for a long time.", he shortly shopped to sigh, „From now on hopefully not anymore.", He nodded to me confidently and left the room. I listened to him until his hard shoes were no longer heard on the wooden floor. Then I exhaled. I felt gratitude towards Layla. Hopefully that changed something...

Melody of death | English Version | Charles Leclerc FFWhere stories live. Discover now