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Wide Awake by Katy Perry


"I need help." Luke said, bursting into my room and immediately closing the door.

"Jesus christ, i had a bloody heart attack." Will said, flopping back on my bed and takinf a deep breath.

"Sorry." He apologized, a panicked look in his eyes as he turned to me, "I need help."

"You have had this day planned for months and you're telling me you need help?!"

"I never came up with a plan!"


"Ive been nervous! Fucking sue me!"

"Just like, get her flowers, yeah?" Will asked.

"Yeah because that's how you won me over, innit?" I asked, looking at him incredulously.

"No, i won you over by having a panic attack." He said, smiling at me softly before going onto his tiktok. "Harm! I just got my edits off of my fucking page! Why are they back?! That was seven hours of scrolling through animal videos!"

"I have my ways, i grew up with brothers." I shrugged. "Anyway, take her out to dinner after work. I'll decorate the house with rose petals and shit."

"She totally isn't that much of a romantic."

"No, she isn't." I laughed.


"Okay okay! Take her out to dinner after work. Then come home and listen to her rant about how Luke and Lorelai should never have broken up and how irrelevant April is to the plot-"

"Luke and Lorelai didn't get fucking married?!" Will asked, shooting up and staring at me with shock.

"We'll talk about that in a second my love."

"But- yeah yeah." He finished after I gave him a look.

"Anyway, ask her out at dinner and then come back here and she'll come in and scream with me while you and Will talk about random shit and if its a really happy thing she'll lay in bed with you, if not she'll be on the couch and ask me and Will to be there. But, depending on her day that might happen anyway."

"So dinner, ask her out then, and come back here. Okay, I can do that."



"Stop freaking out. Be yourself."

"Okay, okay."

"Harmony!" I heard a scream as Steph ran down the hallway. "Will, out!"

Will nodded and left, shutting the door behind him. She jumped up and down and screamed, i followed along. That was before she dragged me into the bathroom.

"He asked me out." She said, breathing out and sitting on the floor.

"Why do you look so upset about it?" I asked, joining her on the floor.

"He wasn't himself. He wasn't crazy, he wasn't trying to race me in eating, he didn't even take me to my favorite place. He literally took me to a noce resturaunt and the carride was awkward and it didn't seem right. I said yes of course, because I literally have wanted to for forever, but it didn't feel right. It wasn't him, Harm."

"Maybe he was just nervous?" I asked, trying to tread lightly.

"For what though? Ive been in love with him for years! Actually, it's fine. Let's go watch gilmore girls as a group on the couch" Steph said, grabbing my arm and dragging to the living room. I glanced at Luke and saw his face fall as he looked over at Will.

"Want some popcorn?" I asked nervously, not knowing what the fuck to do in this situation. We watched Gilmore Girls in awkward silence for hours. Well, until Luke finally had enough and paused the show.

"Can you come with me?" Luke asked softly, looking at Steph who was sat next to him, legs laying across me. Steph nodded and walked with him to the living room.

"Wanna eavesdrop?" Will whispered, leaning down to speak into my ear as his thumb rubbed circles on my arm.

"Duh." I said, as if it was obvious. we moved to the edge if the couch and listened as closely as possible.

"What went wrong?" Luke asked.

"What?" Steph asked, genuinely confused.

"Not to throw my sister under the bus, but she told me if things went well we'd be im your room or by ourselves on the couch. I'm not complaining because I love spending time with you no matter what, I'm just confused."

"That little-"

Will placed a hand over my mouth and the other on my waist, drawing small circles on the exposed skin from the shirt riding up. "We eavesdrop in silence, love." His voice sent chills down my spine and i immediately nodded. He slowly released his hand and i took a deep breath to ground myself on something than his cold hand on my hot skin.

"You weren't yourself. You were trying to hard to impress me when you don't need to. Ive loved you for like half my life, Luke. I love you for you not for who you want me to see you as. When you told me we were going to dinner I didn't think you meant somewhere nice. I thought you meant fast food with our stupid competitions and insults and jokes." Steph said carefully.

"I was anxious you'd say no to me, Steph. I'm sorry if it came off wrong."

"Why the fuck would I say no?"

"I don't fuckin' know, bitch. I got in my head, damn." He said with a laugh.

"See, this is the you I love. Don't try and be someone you're not. Now, I'm fucking tired and tomorrow I have a day off. Let's go sleep and then we can have a redo tomorrow."

"Does this mean I have to ask you out again?" He whined, following behind her like a dog.

"You better not even think of it." She said back before her bedroom door shut.

"Can we go to my room now?" I asked, turning around to face him. He immediately leaned down and kissed me before pulling away and nodding.

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