Breaking the news

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Blaze pov...

After the stupid incident at my ex-best friends house I came up with a plan. the original plan was to get rid of Emily, but then I thought wait why not get rid of them all. So I devised a plan to start taking one out at a time.

And the first to go is Logan and Emily. why you ask and that's because he and Emily just left the house. I've been watching them for a couple days now so naturally I've known who is leaving with who.

Anyways Logan and Emily are going to the store and once there out I'll get them then. so they spent the next hour inside getting whatever the family needed. they finished putting the food in the car and started home.

I took a different route and came in full view of their car. I sped up and Logan noticed it a little to late and tried to swerve away or more likely him to get hit not Emily. either way they both be in the hospital when I'm done.

When I hit their car I made sure I pushed it in the ditch. The car ended up upside down in the ditch.....perfect. Afterwords I sped off in the opposite direction.

Unknown pov..


9-1-1: 911 how may I help you?

uk- there is a car in the ditch upside down and there's people in the car unconscious.

911- alright help is on the way where are you located?

uk- two streets over from the supper market off of hail street and ranger drive.

And with that the call ended.

Sam's pov...

It's been over an three hours since Logan and Emily have been gone. they should of been back by now. It usually takes an hour to get everything and get back. Just then the phone rang.

Me- hello

Hospital- is this the writes residents

Me- yes may i ask who's speaking

Hospital- oh sorry I'm a secretary at the makeshift hospital. we have a girl named Emily write and Logan write in our care is this their family.

Me- yes it is why are they there

My face was sickly white when the next words came out of her mouth.

Hospital- there has been an accident and their car and themselves were found in a ditch upside down with them unconscious.

Me- how bad is it

Hospital- just come down sir and the doctor will explain everything.

After that the lady hung up. And I pressed the intercom to call a family meeting. Once everyone was down in the room and I removed Carter from the talk I began.

Me- I was just on the kind with the hospital and they said there was an accident. The accident ended up with Logan and Emily in a ditch upside unconscious in the car. They said we need to come down and talk to the doctor the way the lady said sounded bad.

Once I finished everyone was in shock and had pail faces. They all slowly got up and went to the car. It was oddly quiet the whole way there I believe they were just in shock of what I said.

We got there and sprinted inside to see what is happening. We got inside but they weren't telling us anything not until the doctor comes. Well three hours later he came in.

Doctor/surgeon- write family

We all jumped up.

Me- that's us. What happens are they okay how bad was the accident.

Surgeon- I am the surgeon that worked on Logan. The accident wasn't as bad as I thought. Emily was lucky and should be fine with a mild concussion and a few broken ribs. Where as Logan is a little more complicated he took the worst hit. He swerved and took the worst of the hit he has a shattered arm and few broken ribs a broken leg and is in a coma.

We all stood their speechless. The next thing you know Jordan and Aaron along with Alex all have broken hands from punching the wall.

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