We're lost

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Tate's pov...

Who ever said that things happen for a reason and that good things only happen to good people and bad things happen to bad people is wrong. Emily and Logan was probably the kindest out of us all they were both like our mom the best. If they are so good why did this have to happen to them they don't deserve it.

I was sitting in the hospitals church thingy thinking to myself about what's happening. This is so crazy why did this have to happen to my family out of everyone why did it happen to them. I was crying looking up at the crucifix. The only thought I had was why take them why. Everyone is so lost without them we're walking zombies.

I screamed out of pain and out of frustration "WHY? Why them? Couldn't you have taken someone else? I don't understand why you have to have them. There good people! You can't take them from me! FROM US! You just can't PLEASE, give them back."

By the end of my outburst I broke. I crumbled into my seat and cried. I haven't cried this hard since my mom died. This is a time when I really need her.

I was so wrapped up in my thoughts that I didn't notice someone sat beside me.

Me- go away

The person never left just kept sitting there. I started to get frustrated with the person.

Me- please

The way I said it made it sound that I was so broken and alone. The person finally responded.

Random guy- hello there son why is it that your crying and screaming?

I looked at the guy and cried even more and harder the man was an older gentleman and had a guide dog with him.

Me- because my mom died a while ago leaving me and my siblings to fend for ourselves while our dad was out partying with some bimbo to even care about us anymore he stopped caring a long time ago and started to cheat on our mom with different women while she was pregnant with her tenth child yeah I have nine other siblings all boys but one our only sister she got depressed and thought her only way out was to kill herself my sister she was home with that day she called in that our mom tried and succeed suicide and almost lost our tenth sibling barley survived. Our dad was abusive to my sister did horrible things to her and her twin then about a month ago finally gave full custody to the oldest sons or brothers and we're here today because my sister and one of my brother were in a really bad car accident and my brother needs a heart transplant asap or isn't going to survive and my sister she keeps having seizures and the doctors can't figure out why. We were about to leave to go home so one of my oldest brothers he has a twin was gonna take us home while the other stayed well Emily my sister was fine then and we were in the car ready to leave my twin in the front then my sister and her twin and me in the back seat when she fell in her twins lap having a seizure. She's had three more after that in one hour. My sister was the schools best soccer player on the all boys team on varsity and was captain. Logan my brother who's in need was on our schools varsity football team all four years well not so much right now and is captain along with two of my other brothers. Logan and Emily didn't deserve what's happening to them. Then out of nowhere our sorry excuse of a dad decides he's gonna come down. The thing is though he brought his current wife and there children. No warning but there they were standing acting all snug like. We didn't even know he remarried or had other kids.

When I was down I was still crying a little bit was claimed a little bit. I looked up when I heard the mans soft voice.

Guy- I'm sorry to hear this son. But I don't know what your going through but I can tell you this that yelling at God isn't going to magically fix everything. Trust me I know I've tried. I lost my daughter and wife in a car accident we got hit by a drunk driver they died on impact and I only lost my eye sight. I stayed up at nights yelling at God why did he take them. They were my only family. That happened two years ago. Now I come back to this hospital and sit in here every other day to help clear my head and help people like you. I also go up and talk to the cancer children upstairs.

At his words I was shocked. But was inspiring.

Me- thank you sir. My names Tate write and I really appreciate you listening and talking to me.

Guy- no problem son. My names Grant type.

And with that Grant got up and left. I still say there for a little while longer until I heard someone come in. I looked up to see all my brothers except Logan, jake and Carter. We all stayed quiet for a while. I told them about the man I meant. They said that they saw him and briefly met him and talked that's why they were in here.

We all had sullen looks on our faces. We're all just staring at the crucifix and the two crosses on either side. We looked lost. Lost in thought. Lost in our own worlds. Lost in the real world. Lost about what to do.

That's just it. No other words could describe how we all felt. The only words I could think of is broken and lost.

Although this brought us closer together in a way just like when our mom died. We were all broken and lost.

Grant's pov...

After I spoke with Tate I felt my heart clench the same way when I lost my family. This family has been through a lot and there's no denying that they are all extremely close.

As I walked home like I always do I was just kept thinking about that family. I also spoke with the rest of his family minus his dad. They all sounded so broken and confused and lost. No words could be said to change that.

I actually cried. I haven't cried since my wife and daughters funeral. That family needs all the prayers they can get. But I know one thing is that I have to get rest. I checked with doctor Roberts about there brothers condition. I know doctor Roberts we've been friends since grade school and I know he was working on the boy. He told me he needed a heart transplant and I willing Said I would give my heart for him. I lived my life to its full potential and this kid has yet to live. The sound of doctor Roberts voice was one of admiration and understanding along with respect. The surgery will take place in two days.

That night I laid awake and spoke with God. This was my calling to help this family and my time to leave.

Doctor Roberts pov....

Once I spoke with my good friend Grant I knew his mind was made up and there was no stopping him from doing this. So I called the family back to tell them the news.

Me- I have good news for you all we have found a heart for your brother and the surgery will be in two days so we can prep. Now the donor would like to remain anonymous until tomorrow where he will meet with you. And this man personally asked for me to use his heart and to sacrifice his life for your brothers saying that it was his calling for him to rejoin his loved ones and he wanted to do this.

Once I finished with what I said. I looked at all there faces and saw lots of looks of hope refill there eyes. They all nodded and left with faint smiles. I knew I had one too. But I was also sad because I was going to loose my best friend but that's going to be okay. I know it is.

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