Swim time

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Emily's pov.

So after our race we headed inside to put in our swimsuits. mine was black and white bikini. it showed off my muscles, tan and my four pack. I grabbed my phone and headphones along with a book. Yes I said book. I'm not just an athlete I'm also a nerd. I get straight a's and I'm in all P.R.A.P. classes. my brothers are to.

So I'm sitting on a lounge chair. the ones wear you can lie down and tan and you can adjust how you want to sit. yeah I'm on one of those. so I adjust my chair how I want it and played my music through my headphone and started reading. I was so into my book that I didn't notice my brothers taking out my headphones and picking me up.

I realized I was in someone's arms and started to squirm in which I dropped my book. I was thrown into the pool. so I decided to play a joke on them. instead of coming up I stayed underwater. my brothers were laughing there asses off and once they realized I haven't surfaced yet Sam and Jordan jumped in the pool to get me.

I soon was pulled out of the water by Sam and Jordan. they held me up to the others and they picked me up and placed me on the ground. I started to get light headed and was seeing black spots.

I saw Jordan freaking out and yelling at me, but I couldn't hear what he said. I started to close my eyes but not before I saw Jordan crying. then I blacked out.





What the hell is making that noise? I opened my eyes and quickly shut them. knew someone was in the room so I said in a croaky voice

Me- turn the lights off.

Aaron- Emily your awake and Jordan turn the lights off. okey there off.

I slowly opened my eyes to see all my brothers excepts carter and my dad in the room. They were all crying or had been crying. I wonder why?

Me- where am I? Why are you guys crying? why is there a bandage on my head?

Logan spoke first.

L- you hit your head on the bottom of the pool and you were bleeding, but you don't have a concussion and you don't have stitches. Your in a hospital to. oh and we were crying because we thought you were leaving us and we had hurt you.

Me- ohhhh and it's ok guys I'm fine. when can we leave? and how long was I out?

Jordan spoke this time. he didn't look good, he has bags under his usually bright green eyes. then his eyes held Unshed tears and sorrow and were red and puffy for crying.

J- a day and half. and the doctor said when you wake up go call the doctor in and then you can go home once he doctor speaks to you. and I missed you em.

He said that last sentence and started to cry more and ran up to me and hugged me. the guys started to cry more to. then the doctor came.

He said I was able to go home because I perfectly fine. the guys being overprotective carried me to the car and took me to get ice cream to say there sorry again.

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