The Visiting

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Emily's pov....

It's been twenty minutes since I've snuck out of the house and no one has figured it out. Anyway I'm on my way to see my mom, I haven't been there in a while so I decided to see her. I need time to think away from everyone. After what happened two days ago I started talking again I figured that its probably not helping anyone that I'm not talking when they need me. I also got that stupid boot off and I'm back to full health and I can start playing soccer again. It's about damn time too, we are about to play one of our arch rivals and I need to kick some ass. The team is definitely missing me even though I've been to every practice and doing some training I'm ready to get back out on the field. Then when soccer is over I need to start training with the football team if I want to take Logan's place as quarterback.

I've finally made it to my mom's grave without even realizing it. Anyway I sat down and placed the lilies down by her grave. Lilies were her favorite they're mine too. Anyways I sat there in silence for a little bit, then started to sing her favorite song just the way you are by Bruno mars. After I was done singing I just talked to her for a little bit, updating her on everything. I was in the middle of telling mom about my plan with taking Logan's place as quarterback when my phone started ringing. I looked down and saw that it was Sam and decided to ignore it. About an hour later I had missed calls from everyone and finally I answered one of them tired of my ringtone. It was Sam. call...........

Me: Hello?

Sam: Where are you?

Me: I'm at mom's grave I just needed to talk to her, why?

Sam: It's been two hours and we couldn't find you, we thought that you....

Sam started crying and I knew exactly what he meant and I instantly felt bad.

Me: Sam shh shhh calm down, I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you. I'm okay I promise. I'm sorry I didn't answer anyone or tell anyone I went, I didn't mean to scare all of you.

I started crying to knowing that I scared them. To think that I left them just like mom.

Sam: It's not okay but we'll discuss this when you get home okay Aaron is on his way to get you meet him at the entrance.

Me: okay and I am sorry.

And with that he hung up on me, and I knew I was about to get a talking to. call ended............

I just sat at moms grave for a while longer crying. I knew I had to go meet Aaron but I just didn't have the energy to move. I knew eventually he would come in here himself and be either pissed off or sad. So I just let him come to me, I just need more time with mom. It was about another ten minutes when I notice someone behind me. I already knew it was Aaron. I just slowly stood up and said the last goodbyes to my mom and went to Aaron who had a blank face. Which means he's pissed but also understanding what is going on and isn't going to say anything, if that makes since.

We walked back to the car in silence, left to our own thoughts. I know once I get home I'm going to be yelled at. I know that they are all really pissed and upset with me. It's not the first time I had done this. Might as well get the punishment over and done with.

When we got home all my brothers were there with irritated looks. I took a big gulp and got all of my courage and opened the car door. I walked over to them with Aaron behind me. I took a breath and began my explanation even though I know it won't matter.

Me: First off let me just say I'm really really sorry, I didn't mean to sneak out I mean I did but it wasn't like that I just wanted to walk to moms grave and just drop off the lilies and talk to her. I really didn't mean to miss your calls I was so into talking to mom that I didn't notice my phone going off until the last call since I was just sitting in silence. I also didn't mean for you guys to think I would leave you like mom I can't do that and wont I need you just as much as you need me.

I looked up after my rant and noticed that I hit home with what I said the last part anyway but I also knew that they were still extremely pissed.

Sam: Look Em we get it okay but you can't just keep running off when you want to be alone okay. You could at least tell us or call or text it for that matter. We were worried to death that we lost you just like mom. We can't go through that scare again. Please understand that this is hard for us okay.

Me: I know and I'm sorry I really am. Can you guys please forgive me?

All my brothers simultaneously said: of course we can.

Sam: But you're grounded for a week no technology at all, and we get to have your friends and our friends give an hourly update on you with no complaints. Also I'm doing this because I know you have a big soccer match coming up so you get spies instead of me taking away soccer. Deal?

Me: Deal and thank you for not taking away soccer.

After that we just hugged and went inside and got cleaned up and ate dinner. We told stories from when we were younger and just watched some movies cuddling on the couch. Just like old times. I missed this but I knew that come tomorrow it's gonna be another day full of drama.

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