Movie night

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Logan's pov.

So after we got home and we found out what Emily and Jordan did to Sam and Aaron things got hectic. Sam and Aaron were furious by what they did and even more mad when they realized we were laughing out asses off.

I stopped laughing when I realized Sam and Aaron were counting down from 5. When they hit 3 I knew something was gonna happen. as soon as they hit one they started to sprint after us.

Me- SHIT!!! run!

Then that is how we spent an hour if them chasing and "capturing" us. you see we made a rule if you were being chased by a brother or sister then it's every man/woman for themselves. but that's not all if were to be tackled or somehow ended up with the chaser you are automatically out and you have to sit and watch while everyone else is running. now at that point you have two options go inside and do whatever you want and wait it choose someone out of everyone either it's the chaser or chasie(the one who is running away) to help out until there caught. one other rule is you can't purposely get another one caught as in pushing them down or something like that, if that were to happen you automatically out.

As of right now Aaron has caught Kyle and Tate. reason for that is because the twins have an unspoken rule never leave a twin behind so if ones out then they are out to. then they have jake because he wasn't fast enough to catch on to what was happening. Alex was also caught because he took a turn right into Aaron so he was out. and carter is to young to play so he just waits till someone's out so he can play with one of us.

So right now it's just Jordan,emily and me in this game. And right now I know for a fact I'm about to be captured because I'm cornered by Aaron and Sam. they somehow tricked me into a corner so now I have to wait. I know I don't have enough room or time to escape so I go willingly to them. so all that's left is Jordan and Emily. they are usually the last two to get out. there just that good. we usually wait for a slip up from of them before we jump into action. but when it's one of them who are the chasers everyone is out in less than thirty minutes. and we still don't know how they do it.

Your probably wondering what we do after were all caught well we go up and get cleaned then head downstairs for food and then have a movie night. the last person who gets caught gets to choose the genre for the night and we watch all the movies we have in that genre or till we fall asleep.

Right now Aaron and Sam are teaming up on Jordan from the side and since Kyle and Tate are out they always choose if there are twins left to each help out a twin if needed so as of now Kyle goes over and helps Jordan out. which means until Kyle or Jordan are caught then there both in helping each other. so if Kyle were to get re-captured then him and Jordan are out. so since he did that and "saved" him Aaron and Sam have to wait a minute as in sixty seconds before they can go and attack again and it has to be exactly sixty second before you can go.

Not much later Jordan was caught by Sam. so which means him and Kyle are officially out. now all we have to do is wait for Emily to come out. but being us as in Tate, Jake, Alex, Jordan, and me all decide to help out Sam and Aaron to capture our dear old sister. and since Kyle used his save on Jordan he can't help so he just sits with carter and waits. maybe 20 minutes of all of us not including carter and Kyle we finally caught her. she was in a tree and was climbing down to investigate on what's happening and was caught by Jordan and me.

Em- you traitor! she yelled at Jordan.

Jordan(Jo for short)- I'm sorry em but what had to be done is done. I wanted to get clean and watch movies with my favorite twin/sister.

Me- she's your only twin and only sister.

Em- ya I'm your ONLY sister and twin. your supposed to be on my side Jo. not the enemy's.

At that I just laughed and so did everyone else. you see I had picked her up and put her over my shoulder because that's how i caught her. her and Jordan were to busy chatting to notice we were back where everyone was waiting.

With that I sat Emily back on her feet and ran inside with everyone hot on my heals. we wanted to get clean and eat so we can have movie night. usually we put carter to bed after he eats cause movie night is usually an all nighter depending if it's school day or not. if it's school day we go until 12:00 am and I were in the middle of a movie by then we finish it then go to sleep. If it's Friday or the weekend we go until everyone is sleeping. if it's the weekend then we let carter join us just not weekdays.

After we all were cleaned and I cleaned carter we ate dinner and I went and put carter down for bed. by then it's 7:50 pm. so I head to the theater room where everyone was waiting.

Me- so Em what's the genre for the night.

Em- I choose.....horror.

Of course she chooses that one. don't get me wrong I love horror and watching my brothers get scared. but I mean I'm not in the mood for horror but it's her night so I have no saying.

She popped in the first movie and it was nightmare on elm street. Emily and I laughed at what was happening while our brothers were holding pillows to themselves as if there life depended on it and some had there hands over there faces. next was haunting in Connecticut.

Well let's say by end of this movie Emily and I are laughing our asses off cause our brothers were holding each other. I mean seriously watching your 20 year old brothers holding each other is picture worthy. well then there's Jordan who is scared but doesn't really show it and laughs with us. I'll admit I even jump and scream sometimes. Emily does to. the third movie was put in and it was cujo. by this movie let's say I didn't want a dog for a while and that when it hit me that I was getting scared. Emily on the other hand was crying. she was holding onto Jordan crying because of the dog getting rabies and was killed. so Jordan just comforted her while she cried. his shirt was soaked with tears so he just removed his shirt.

She put the fourth movie in which was oculus. when she walked by me I pulled her into a hug knowing she needed it. she hugged back after a while. then got up and cuddle up in Jordan's side and laid her head down on his chest. he wrapped his arms around her and just left them there. now this time I will admit this movie scared the shut out of me.

I looked at the time and noticed it's 12:45 am so it's time for bed. so I turned off the tv and looked around. Sam and Aaron were looking over there shoulder every five seconds. Kyle and Tate rocking back and forth muttering about mirrors. jake left for bed after the second movie. Jordan was holding onto Emily for dear life looking around the room to see if it's same. then Emily fell asleep half way through the movie.

So I walked over to the lights and turned them on. that when everyone except Jordan and I squealed. Kyle and Tate sprinted out of the room as if it was on fire. Sam and Aaron casually walked out of the room as if they weren't scared. and I went over and picked up Emily to take her to get room only to notice Jordan following me to her room. I didn't question it is I left them in there. and headed to my room for sleep.

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