Family bonding time

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Emily's pov.

After we ran for the rest the day until we had to pick up jake and carter we were setting up family night. I was ecstatic for it. we always have a blast. I wonder what happened at school today and at practice. oh well I'll find out tomorrow when I go back.

Just when I left my room I heard the doorbell go off. huh I wonder who that is. I walked downstairs to see some of my brothers looking confused and the others looking pissed. I peeked my head around my brothers to see the soccer team.

Me- what are you guys doing here?

Jack- we came to check on you, because you weren't at school none of you were and besides we're a team we got to look out for our captain.

Me- oh well my brothers and I decided to skip today. we also had to get ready for family night, but I'm glad to know you guys care about me.

Taylor- ya no problem. so your ok then. oh and coach wants to see you tomorrow morning in his office. he was a little mad that you weren't at school or showed up for practice but then remembered your in all pre ap classes and a straight a student and the best soccer player anyone's ever seen.

At that I just blushed. I mean come on who wouldn't blush after a hot guy complimented on you.

Me- ya I'm fine I promise. and alright thanks for the info. oh wait what did we do in practice?

I could tell my brothers were getting impatient because they keep glaring at me and them. stupid over protective brothers like seriously there my team mates chill fuck out.

Quinn- oh coach just made us run. we did a lot of suicides and and miles. your lucky you didn't go cause the triplets puked and then coach make them do push-ups right by the throw up. there faces were priceless.

I made a disgusted look on my face, and mentally puked. that's just nasty.

Logan- ok you saw here now leave.

Logan pretty much growled at them. like seriously bro calm down your worse than a girl on her period.

Me- Logan e nice. they are my team mates so deal with it.

Logan- fine. but we have family night starting in five.

Me- ok ok well thanks for stoping by. I'll see you at practice tomorrow.

And with that they walked away and I closed and locked the door.


And with that we played games, ate food, talked and watched movies. at one point we got in a game of chase and I was thrown into the pool. so we ended up swimming in our cloths.

We even played all sorts of different sports. we finally all crashed in the living room watching Harry potter the deathly hallow part two.

I told you we always have a blast. and since on family night whoever is the last awake they get to choose one person to help prank everyone else.

The rules of family night is to not fall asleep. because if you fall asleep you get to be pranked so you don't want to. That's why we do all of those activities so that you get worn out and you fall asleep. well anyways I'm still awake and I'm trying to choose my partner. also of you or your partner get caught you can't give the other one away. they have to guess who it is. if they can't figure out who you both are by the end of the week the you keep getting pranked until figured out. If you think you know who it is then you can ask the person and they have to be completely honest. like if it was Logan and I as the pranksters and Jordan thought it was Logan and I and he asked me that then I would answer truthfully and he can't tell anyone else who it is and he's left unharmed. you can also make it look like someone else did it. so if I were to prank Sam I can make it look like Jordan did it. it's fun.

So for my partner I want it to be....... Alex. I never choose the same person twice in a row. it's to obvious. so I walk over to Alex quietly so I don't get caught an wake him up. once he's up he looks around and then at me then nods. it's our silent agreement that were partners in this 'crime'. and thus the pranks begin.

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