This isnt happening

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Jordan's pov...

This can't be happening. I mean Logan's heart stopped then they saved him but that's not it his heart kept going into failure. They said if he wants to live he'll have to get heart surgery. No one knows what to do and then Emily had three seizures in the past hour. This day is getting worse as we speak. We called "him" and told him what is happening he surprisingly is gonna come down as soon as possible.

The doctors still aren't sure what's causing Emily to have seizures. We're all really worried for them both. The moment when Emily fell into my lap shaking violently was probably the scariest things I've ever witnessed. Who wouldn't be scared to see there family member fall in your lap shaking violently it's unbelievable to witness.


Me- what?

Aa-we've been calling your name for the last five minutes. Jerry's (there dad) plane just landed. He's on his way here.

Me- that's just great

I said it with so much sarcasm that people in China could here it.

A few minutes later the same nurse that helped Emily calm down came in with a sullen look on her face. We were worried it had to deal with our own siblings.

Me- excuse me miss

Nurse- yes, oh your the family to that girl I helped earlier.

Me- yes we are. Is there a reason you look so sad right now?

Nurse-  oh I was just thinking about your family I know what is happening to your siblings sort of I don't know full details but I know enough. Anyways I just wanted to let you guys know I'm praying for your family and that I know what your going through because I've been through it in a different sort of way. I will do anything and everything I can to save your brother and help your sister.

We all looked at her with shock and admiration and respect. We kindly thanked her and with that she once again left but not before telling us her name was angel.

Jerry's(dad) pov...

When I got the call from the family again I was irritated. I mean sure I'm kind of concerned for the well being of my kids but not so much as to why I should come down. I don't understand why I said I would come down to see what is happening.

Anyways I guess it's the best time to introduce them to there step mom and our two kids but they don't know each other and aren't gonna get to know each other because well I don't want them to. I'm hoping this is gonna keep those horrible god forsaken children my ex wife and I created away from me. Sure I said I would pay for stuff and everything so I have to be every once a while kept updated.

Angels pov.....

I can't believe what these children are going through I accidentally overheard there call to there dad and to say the least I was shocked was an understatement. He was a real jerk of you ask me. I wasn't trying to spy I was simply walking to my car when I heard it. Afterwards I made a vow that I would do anything I can to help these children. I went through something like that growing up as a kid and then through my twenties. But that's in the past and this time I'm going to succeed in helping them. So instead of going home after my shift I stayed and is going to stay until the hospital sends me home and even then I'm not really gonna leave. I feel as though this is what I have to do and I want to do. 

Sam's pov...

After the nurse told us I was happy she was going to do anything and everything for my family and that is something that shows there's still good people left in the world. But the bigger problem is how are we going to catch that guy that started it all.

I was about to ask when I saw nine other than the person i hate most in the world.

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