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Logan's pov.

Well that was really weird. who am I kidding that was beyond fucked up. I mean who says that to someone. anyways well right now my brothers and I are running after Emily. we chased her a mile before we lost her. I mean seriously she,s fast and her agility is beyond unbelievable.

So after that we kept looking for her it's been about two hours now. we decided to split up some stay at home and everyone else get with someone who can drive. we were all ready to go until we heard the thunder. my brothers and I all looked at each other and had panicked faces that were ghost white.

We knew Sam and Aaron were gonna call us any minute to see how Emily is doing. this is going to be one hell of a call.

......................Phone call....................

Sam- Logan is Emily alright did you give her the medicine.

Me- umm about that.....

Sam- Logan what happened?

Me- nothing Emily is already passes out so I can't give it to her.

Sam- oh ok. Good. if she wakes up you know what to do.

Me- alrighty then. bye

..................Call ended..................

I hung up and looked at all the guys.

Me- call someone from the soccer team and tell them to help spread word that Emily's missing and we NEED to find her.

After that people were making phone calls and heading out the door. I just hope she's ok.

It's been five hours since she ran off. and three hours since the storm started. and twenty minutes since the rain shower got heavier. this just panicked us more. we had met up with the soccer team and told them what's going on and WHY WE NEEDED TO FIND HER NOW. then we all split up and kept looking.

We couldn't get the police involved until tomorrow cause of the twenty-four hour missing rule. we still haven't told Sam and Aaron. they don't need to worry yet. I mean they have college to look out for and basketball we couldn't ask for them now. they've been taking care of us since our mom started to get depressed which was year and a half before carter was born. so they've been taking care of us for six and a half years.

They need to worry about themselves for a while. if we can't find her before they get home were all screwed. especially when they hear the video.

After another two hours of searching we still can't find her. most of the soccer team had to go home so we were reduced with searchers. the worst part is that Sam and Aaron are home and still left in the dark about all of this. the rain hasn't lighten up yet, which is worrying me.

So I sent Alex home with the rest except Jordan. so Alex took Kyle home and some soccer players. right now all that's looking is Jordan, Edwin, Jared, mike and I.

We kept looking for her none of us went home yet. I'm not sure if Alex told yet so I don't know what's going to happen. Im pretty sure Sam had caught on that something wasn't right.

Ok so Sam and Aaron know and Aaron has been looking with us while Sam went to the police station. ya it's been twenty four hours and still no sign.

So everyone is forsaking out. word got around that Emily is missing our schools star soccer player. the coach even started to help look. when he found out she was missing he was pissed.

Everyone is scared. Im more panicked that she's in trouble. for all I know she could of been kidnapped. that's when a thought hit me. i quickly dialed Jared's number but no answer so I dialed Edwin's.

.............Phone Call.............

Edwin- hello?

Me- Edwin your stationed kind of by the cemetery right.

Ed- ya why...

Me- go to the cemetery right now and looked there. don't ask questions just do it and give me a ring when finished.

Ed- ok

..............Call ended.................

Jordan- what was that about?

Me- I think she might be in the cemetery

Jo- but what about our promise we made?

Me- sometimes promises are meant to be broken and in her case it was.

The rain had turned into a sprinkle so I wasn't to worried about it now. I'm more worried about if I was right or not.

Then I got a tex.

Ed- I can't call you but I did find her.

Me- oh thank god bring her to my house.

Ed- alright I'll be there as soon as I can.

I turned to Jordan with tears in my eyes from happiness, and a smile.

Jo- what's with the smile?

Me- Edwin found her. she was there jo.

At that he was in tears and a huge smile. I quickly texted everyone about the news and told them were gonna need a fire going and lots and lots of blankets. along with dry cloths an food. everyone was happy until we actually saw her.....

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