She needs help

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Jordan's pov...

When I found out that Emily was found I was extremely happy. My twin was found but soon all color drained from my face.

She looked like death itself. she was ghost pale and had black bags under her eyes also she was shivering extremely bad.

We all jumped into action, Logan and I wrapped her in the blankets once Edwin has her standing while holding her up. we placed her in front of the fire.

Me- Kyle, Tate, Alex, Carter, Jake, Sam, and Aaron go find more blankets, heaters, and pillows also find some type of medicine.

I checked her temperature and it was low. I remember something my mom used to do when one of our temperature was below normal she would get a hot bath running and put us in it to keep us warm.

Me- Logan, Edwin and I got this go and get a hot bath going and quick.

Lo- why?

Me- trust me I remember mom doing it before when Aaron was out in rain and he was below normal temperature.

Logan gave me a specious look but did as I asked and I was thankful for that. right now I was recalling hoping she was gonna be ok also to have another girl around the house. Then I had an idea.

Me- Sam!!

Sam- yeah!

Me- come here!

Sam- what is it? Is she ok did something happen?

Me- she's fine for now, but we need to get her out of her wet cloths. and I'm pretty sure she doesn't want guys looking at her especially her brothers. we need to find a girl and quick.

Sam- oh and yeah I'm on it I know just the person.

..SAMs phone call with mystery girl..

Mg- hey Sam what's up?

Sam- no time to explain but I need your help and quick please...

Mg- what's going on and where do I need to meet you?

Sam- my house and I'll explain when you get here. Do you remember where it is?

Mg- yes I remember. I'm on my way.

........Phone call ended........

Sam- ok she's on her way.

Me- good.

Right now we're all just waiting for her to get here and trying to keep Emily warm. she's still shivering really bad, but it's only because of her cloths.

"Knock knock"

Sam- that's her.

He runs to the door and practically pulls her arm off to help us. she looks really confused so I explain.

Me- our one and only sister here is sick she was out in the rain to long and her temperature is below normal and we need your help to change her cloths and stay with her in the hot bath so she won't drown. please please help.

Mg- ok ok I'll help show me where.

We take her upstairs and help her into the bathroom and we leave everything to her. I may not know her but if Sam trust her then I trust his judgement.

Mystery girls pov....

When I got the call from Sam I was surprised. I mean sure we talked some but not a whole lot. anyways he sounded urgent on the phone.

I knew something was wrong so I said I was going to help at whatever it is. but what I didn't expect was that there looked like a dying girl. when his younger brother told me what was happening I knew I had to help.

She's so pale and looks lifeless likes she isn't even living anymore. but she looks different from when I first saw her, her color is coming back a little but not a whole lot. her brothers check up on her and me every ten minutes.

There's one that hasn't left outside the door the whole time it's weird. I know he's been crying cause I can hear him sniffling. I checked the water and found that it's getting cold so I started to drain it. once it was drained I wrapped her in a towel and called for the guys to carry her.

The one that was outside the door came and picked her up like she weighed nothing. he didn't look very old but not to young. he's also the one who spoke to me about what's happening.

He sets her down and leaves the room so I can change her. i also tucked her in and made sure she was completely wrapped up in blankets and warm. I turned the lights off and followed the boy downstairs. where I asked the questions that's been on my mid since I've been here.

What happened to her? Who is everyone including her? Where's your parents? And I want answers now. Also why me Sam?

The boy- where do we begin.

The soccer star is now the football star to.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat