Prank time

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Alex's pov.

When Emily woke me up I was a little surprised. I mean sure she's the head prankster but I didn't expect her to choose me out of everyone else. but last time it was Jordan and Sam as the pranksters. Emily got it right away. after there first prank she is good. always the first to discover who.

You would think she would choose Jordan but your wrong because they would both be caught in an instant. there pranks are to common. but it's funny cause when Emily is it she even makes it look like she was pranked along her co-worker. she's smart that why she's never caught. I just nodded at her giving her the silent agreement. then she smirked. uh-oh this is going to be a long week for them.

I got up and motioned for her to follow me to my room so we can discuss.

Me- so who first and what's the plan?

Em- first Logan because he was being an ass. and we're dying his hair lime green and hot pink mixed together. to everyone else we are going to change there ringtones to little kid music and turn there sound on all the way and tex them in class including logan. oh and set there alarm clocks two early. and for us I'm going to pretend cut off my hair and you I'm going to put shaving cream on you and put a pie in your face.

Damn was not expecting that. she's smart. I would of never thought of that.

Me- nice. lets get to work. Oh and make it look like Kyle and Aaron did it.

Again we silently nodded and we went to put our pranks.

Em- oh and the dye is permanent you either have to dye your hair back to normal or get a special hair dye removal.

At that I just laughed. the best part is that you have to go to school like that and can't change it till you guess who. poor logan. After I finished my pranks I went to sleep.

The next morning I was jerked awake by Emily holding a pie in her hands from smashing it I'm my face. I noticed we had an hour before everyone's alarm goes off. she put her finger to her lips and motioned me to follow her. we walked into Aaron's room and made it look like Aaron was the one who did it. then we moved to kyle's room and set it up like he cut Emily's hair off. who new extinctions came in handy and that my sister wore them. her hair looks different.

After that we went back to sleep. once again I was awaken with the alarm clock going off early. you could hear people getting ready. We all had our own en-suites so we didn't need to worry. I pretended to scream. I rushed out into the hallway to see my brothers and sister staring at me.

Me- who did this? I pretended to be mad. I looked at Aaron to see him trying to hide the pan.

Me- Aaron your dead.

Aaron-I didn't do it I swear.

He looked scared but was also trying to hold in his laugh. then Emily looked at her phone and squealed. we all looked at her curiously.

Em- guys it's only five in the morning who the hell switched the alarm clock times. I need my beauty sleep.

Jordan- that's impossible our alarm clocks aren't wrong.

He looked at his phone and his eyes bulged out of his head once he realized the time. I looked around and noticed that jake has a guilty look. Jordan turned towards jake.

Jo- jake did you do this.

Jake- no but you should see your face.

We all looked at him and there on his forehead written in permanent ink was " Kyle was here". we all looked at Kyle who looked like he was caught in the traffic light.

Me- since were already up why not just get ready now.

Tate- remember we have to go to school with the pranks visible. so which means Alex you have to get another pie to the face afterwords.

I hate that rule. ugh.

Not much longer we heard a Logan scream and an emily. they rushed out frantic. you could clearly see where Emily's "hair" is missing. she looked like she was about to cry and Logan looked like he was going to murder someone.

Em- who cut my hair?

Then she fake cry and it looked an sounded to real. if I didn't know what the prank was I would of believed her. we all looked around and notice Kyle holding scissors and a lock of Emily's fake hair. we all looked at him with a shocked look.

Well then I remembered we had school so we headed out but not before I got another pie to the face.

Once at school everyone was looking at us like we all grown another head let me tell you why. Logan's hair if hot punk and lime green. I had pie all over me and shaving cream. Jordan has 'Kyle was here' on his face and purple highlights. Emily made it look like a chunk of hair is missing and looked like she had been crying. Kyle had "jake is awesome" on his face with fake lipstick marks. Tate looked like a panda he had black marker all around his eyes and a black nose. we looked ridiculous. so that's why we got looks of what-the-actual-fuck.

Even our coaches asked us what happened and we explained and they just laughed at us. and gave us good lucks. oh and you should of seen what there faces looked like when there phones went off in class.everyone just laughed and the teacher had a look that was priceless. it was classic Emily and I out did ourselves.

Jordan- I have never been so humiliated in all my life.

Logan- you think my hair is just horrid and my ringtone was the Barbie theme song!

Tate- mine was Barney.

Kyle-mine was Elmo's theme song.

Emily- mine was dragon tails.

Me- mine was Dora's theme song.

Jordan- mine was Clifford the big red dog.

And just like that Jordan got a look of recognition of who did this. After an hour everyone left. Emily and I got up to go to "bed" but Jordan called us back.

Jo- were you the one who did this?

Me and me said together- yep

Jo- I knew it.

An with that we all walked out and headed in our own direction. and now Emily and I couldn't mess with him and no one can guess him. he's smart. anyways Emily and I met up late and finished out our planning for tomorrow.

Bye then end of Friday everyone figured out who did it. some were mad and others just sat back and laughed. Logan was pissed cause we did more stuff to him than anyone else. but soon he laughed with us.

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