Long day

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Emily's pov.

All I've been doing today is cry. one because I can't work off any stress and do sports, two my dad just gave up on us, three it's the only thing I can do if I scream then I have worried brothers and four I'm on my period so my hormones are out of whack.

I hate having concussions and periods. they suck arse. everything is just a mess. I am literary on bed rest. all I can do is go to the bathroom and that it. If I'm even seen in the hall I am carried back to the room.

Like seriously I have two of my brothers outside my room. I could always and sneak through my window and go onto the roof. the only good thing is that I get special treatment. I'm being treated like a queen. I get to boss them all around.

I just have to ring a bell and they come in. I also don't have to go to school. So I've been stuck in my room for a couple hours with nothing to do so I decided to go to the roof. I got out of bed and headed for the window.

I opened it as quietly as I could and slipped out. I got on the tree branch and claimed the tree to the roof. it was night time so the stars were out. I just later on the roof and looked at the stars.

Me- mom if you can hear me up there then please don't be ashamed of me for not being strong. but why did you have to leave us? dad just left us to. I'm so lonely mommy. I miss you so much. I'm sorry for everything, for crying and not being strong like I promised I would. but I did make the varsity all boys soccer team at school and I'm the captain.

After that I just cried more. I don't know how long I've been up there but I knew someone was up here with me. I didn't even turn around I just patted the spot next to me.

Aaron- em....

Me-how much did you hear?

Aa- All of it. and em if mom was here she would be so proud of you. she loves all of us. she could never be ashamed of you.

At this I just cried harder.

Aa- shhh shh em it's ok to cry. it's ok to cry every once in a while.

Me- ok... Aaron do you miss mom and do you still cry sometimes?

Aa- all the time, and sometimes if I'm really stressed or when i miss mom and I'm upset. see it's ok to cry. But what are you doing out here?

Me- needed fresh air. I was suffocating in my room.

At this we both cracked a smile and chuckled. we stayed like that for a while where Aaron just hugged me to his side as we watched the stars. Aaron and i haven't done this in a while so it was nice.

Me- we need to do this more often.

Aa- ya we do em. how about three times a week. just knock on the door with our secret knock and we'll meet up here.

Me- ya sounds good.

And with that we used the secret door and stairs that we found five years ago. it was the day our mom died that I was so upset I found a door that blended into the wall and pushed it open to find stairs. now the curious person I was followed the stairs and found secret doors to all our rooms and then there was another door. I opened it to find some more stairs and walked up them and found one last door.

I pushed the door open to find out I was on the roof. well at the time I didn't know Aaron was following me so after that it became our secret place. and use the secret doors to get around places faster like if I wanted to talk to Aaron I would find his door and used our secret knock we came up with as kids so we knew when we wanted to meet.

No one knows about it. except Aaron and I it's our secret. anyways we went back to his room and just hung out there when the door was banged open.

Logan- emily isn't in her room she gone. oh hey Emily everyone's looking for you...... wait EMILY YOU WHERE WERE YOU!!!

I just laughed at him cause he looked funny.

Me-I've been in here with Aaron the whole time.


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