In the mean time

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Alex's pov.

When Emily ran away from the school I was a little worried but not much. I was more furious with the bitch that slapped Emily. I wanted to go over there and help Emily and kill the girl, but I was being held back like the rest of my brothers. so after of everyone standing there for a few minutes the bell rang signaling the first period.

It's been two periods when I got a tex from Logan saying Emily still hasn't shown up. By now I'm freaking out. I texted Sam and Aaron and told them what happened. chat with my brothers................

Me- guys I have some news...

Logan- ya some big news....

Jordan- your going to be upset...

Sam- what the heck are you three talking about.

Aaron- you sound like you guys killed someone.

Me- no but your still going to be upset.

Jordan- Emily ran off before school and hasn't returned and it's been 45 minutes and she missed the first period and is going to miss second.

Kyle- I thought she already returned!

Tate- I knew we should of ran after her!

Sam- what are you guys talking about her missing.

Aaron- tell me right now what the hell is going on!

Logan- we had just got to school and...

Me- and we barely got out of the car and was swarmed by sluts and and our friends and other people then...

Jordan- Emily was making her way through and not a minute later of getting out of the crowd Chloe aka queen bee/ slut stopped her and then.....

Kyle- this Chloe girl said something about how Jordan was hers and to stay away from her. so Emily just bust out laughing and that's when....

Tate- Chloe got mad and slapped Emily across the face which ended in Emily falling backwards. and then Emily got pissed and said she was Jordan's twin and and threaten to rip her throat out if she messed with her again then....

Logan- she got her stuff looked at everyone and ran. we were being held back and so we couldn't help. and we called after her but she just ignored us and kept running....

Me- so we at first just said let her cool off and then if she doesn't return during first then we'll let Sam and Aaron know. so that's what happened.

Jordan- she hasn't returned yet. I texted and called her a dozen times. she isn't answering and I'm worried.

Kyle- same here

Tate- same


Sam- what the hell you guys!!?? Aaron let's go and find her. she has to be near. Call us if she comes back.

Logan- we're sorry. and promise we will.

............... End of convo with bro's...............

It's lunch time and still no sign of her. I am worried for her. I know she can handle herself but she's my little sister and my only one at that and she could be hurt and be all our faults.

Logan's pov.

It's lunch time and we were still waiting for news on emily. just then the doors open and everyone got quiet there stood was emily. She looked tired. she walked over to the tables. we interrogated her and after that we were all crying . as in my brothers and I along with Em. we stood up and had a "family" hug.

Em- I'm so so sorry.

Then she passed out. Jordan caught her before she fell and hit her head on the ground. he picked her up and carried her out of the room. we all followed.

Me- Kyle you or Tate call Sam and tell them what happened now.

Kyle- already on it.

We walked into the nurses room.

Me- is she gonna be ok.

Nurse- yes she will she's just dehydrated and passed out. when she wakes I'll make she drinks and eat. Then I'll send her off to class

Me- ok thank you.

Nurse- no problem. now off to class.

We all left and went to class.

Emily's pov.

I woke up to find I was in the nurses office.

Nurse- good your up.

Me-what happened?

Nurse- you passed out from dehydration but you'll be fine when you drink all of this and eat this.

She had handed me threw water bottles and two gronal bars. I said my thanks and drowned the water and ate. after that she told me to take it easy and sent me to class.

When I got to class everyone was staring at me. I felt uncomfortable. luckily the nurse had told the teacher I was in her office so I wasn't in trouble. there was seat opened by Jordan so I took it.

Jordan(Jo)- how are you feeling?

Me- much better are Sam and Aaron aware of what happened?

Jo- ya

With that class was rather boring and silent. thank god this is the last class so I can go to practice/ tryouts.

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