Its game day for soccer

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Emily's pov.

So today's Tuesday also known as the first soccer game of the season. well Monday went as it's usual we had a light practice so nothin major. anyways I'm really anxious. I mean I have a right to be I'm team captain on an all guys team.

Coach wanted us to wear our jerseys today to show "school spirt" that an to show off. anyways it's lunch time and my brothers are literary shoving food down my throat because I refused to eat. they were getting pissed with me but they knew I was going to act like this.

It was normal until Chloe and her group came up to our table.

Clo- oh look who it is the run away.

Me- what do you want?

Clo- me want something from you that hilarious. but I do have one request stay away from my brother and jordan.

I looked at her and just laughed again. like seriously how can you take her seriously she's wearing a shirt that I consider a bra and a skirt that is underwear. And now she's shaking with anger. all to soon I saw her hand coming towards my face. right before it hit me I caught her wrist. she looked shocked for a moment then angry.

Me- don't you even think about it.

And with that she stomped yes stomped like a two year old who didn't get what he wants away in her six inch heals. I just laughed at her some more. soon my brothers did to.

I was in the middle of Spanish when the intercom came on asking to release the soccer team to go to the bus. I got up from my seat and left. we drove a ten minute ride to the other school. we were the tigers and we were versing the jaguars.

I was leading warm up when I saw all nine of my brothers coming to support me. not long after the ref called captains. I jogged onto the field and met up at the center.

Ref- shake hands

I held my hand out but the other to captains just stared at me.

Other captain- your a girl this is a mans sport. now run along with the cheerleaders.

Me- let's see who really belongs on the field during the game shall we.

Ref- your opposing team call in the air.

Me- heads

Ref- heads. what side

I pointed to our side for defending and there side attacking. the ref told us to go back to our sides so we can tell the coach and then the game will start. Not long after we got back the ref called us to the field.

I took my position as left defense. I noticed that the other team was looking at me in disbelief and that the captain is a forward. we had kick off. we were half way down the field the other defense got the ball and passed it the mid-fielders. they soon passed it to the forward. he was straight for goal. but I quickly stole the ball before he even realized i had gotten it. I knew I had no one on me so I took it down field and got pass the other defense and shot it in the right hand corner and scored.

I just jogged back to place and waited for them to kick off. it was half time and the score was 5-0. I scored twice. coach was giving us a pep-talk. he decided to put me as a mid-fielder so we have more opportunity to score. and because I can get back to help defend.

The game ended and the final score was 7-0. they couldn't get pass me. to say the other coach was mad was an understatement. he was yelling at his players to take me out. when it was time to shake/high five hands the other team didn't even bother to touch my hands.

Once back to the sidelines my brothers called me over to the bleachers.

Sam- nice game em. did you see there faces when you shot the winning goal from a kick off. it was priceless.

Logan- ya i know or when you headed the ball in.

Jordan- what about her bicycle kick. that was amazing by the way.

Me- thanks. ok I'll see you back at the school.

And with that I walked back to the busses with my team. I got a lot of claps from my team and congratulations. on the way home we just talked about how we kicked ass. not much longer we were back and I was in the car with my brothers. I guess I fell asleep in the car because I woke up in my bed.

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