When things go wrong

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Emily's pov.

I woke up the next morning to find Jordan in my bed cuddling me. it scared me cause I wasn't expecting it so I screamed, in which made him jolt awake and fall off the bed. that just caused me to laugh. soon everyone is in my room making sure that I'm safe and no ones in hear to kill me.

Then they turn to me with what-the-fuck-face. that just made me laugh harder. so right now I look like a retarded seal. with no sound coming out and tears running down my face.

Logan(L for short)- what the heck is going on?!!

I couldn't get words out so I'm just pointing to Jordan. that's when they notice Jordan on the ground rubbing his head and cursing underneath his breath.

Alex- why is Jordan on the ground?

I finally calmed down answered.

Me- I woke up to find him in my bed cuddling me and it scared me cause I didn't realize it was Jordan until he fell off the bed and landed on the ground with an oomf.

Then I started laughing more.

Me- wait a second. first off how did I get in here? second why was Jordan in here?

Jordan(Jo for short)- well durning the last movie oculus you feel asleep on me. so after the movie Logan picked you up and carried you in here. and I didn't want to leave you alone cause you we're crying in your sleep after Logan left, so I stayed in here.

Me- oh..... well let's get ready for school then.

Once I said that everyone headed out and got ready. I took a shower and washed my hair with strawberry/banana scented shampoo and a orangey scented body wash. now I'm not some girly-girl of some-sort so I don't wear anything "cute" or wear makeup. so I put on my black leggings and a soccer t-shirt and put on my black and white vans. I went back in my bathroom and brushed my hair and put it up in a ponytail and brushed my teeth and did the other morning routine.

I headed downstairs for some breakfast. I spotted all my brothers there already stuffing there faces with food. what pigs they are. I just grabbed a pop-tart. after we finished Logan, Alex, Kyle, Tate, Jordan and I headed to Logan's car to go to school while Sam, Aaron, carter and jake got in the other car so they can go to school.

Once we got there everyone was staring at our car. not even after thirty seconds of us turning our car off my brothers were swarmed by sluts and there friends. I barley made it out but not a minute later I was stopped by the queen bee, aka Chloe.

Chloe(clo for short)- oh isn't it Emily write.

Me- what do you want?

Clo- don't get snappy at me I can make your life a living hell. oh and I want you to stay away from Jordan he's mine, and I don't need you to get in my way.

I just looked at her in shock for a moment then burst out laughing. she was getting impatient with me so she slapped me, hard. it made me loose my balance so I fell backwards. At this point everyone was watching. I looked at my brothers to see them furious and shaking. they were being held back by there friends. I got up and walked over to Chloe.

Me- what the hell! why the fucking hell would you slap me bitch!!!?

Clo- you were laughing at me and like I said before stay away from Jordan.

Me- first off Jordan is my fucking twin so no can do sweetheart. second if you ever and I mean ever lay a hand on me again I will rip your throat out!

By this point she looked scared shitless. I mean when I'm pissed I'm scary. if looks could kill she would be in hell at this point. she even backed away a few steps. I was fuming.

So with that I grabbed my soccer and school stuff and took off running. I could hear my brothers calling me to come back but I was to pissed to listen. So I ended up at the nearby fields. I took out my running shoes,cleats for both soccer and football. what you never know when you'll need them. then I took out my basketball shoes also. then I took out my soccer ball, football and basketball ya I have a huge bag full of each equipment.

I put my soccer stuff on first and kicked the ball around and shot it into the net. I did that for about ten minutes then switched to basketball. there was a basketball court by the field so I just played on that. I did that for about ten minutes also then switched to my running stuff. I ran for 20 minutes around the track. after that I got the foot ball and threw it to as far as I could which ended up at the end zone. I was in the middle of the field when I threw it.

I ran and got the ball set it on the thirty yard line and kicked it in between the two yellow post. after that I collected my stuff and re-put on my running stuff and ran for another thirty minutes. when I got back to my bag I switched into my vans and was headed to the restrooms that was by the field. I took a ten minute shower and got out. I just changed into my nike shorts and my workout shirt and put my nike running shoes back on and left.

When I got back to school it was the begging of lunch. as soon as I stepped in the cafeteria everyone was quite and looking at me. I just walked up to my table that usually have my brothers and some of there friends at the table. when I got there all hell broke loose with them.

Logan- where the hell have you been?

Alex- why the hell did you run?

Jordan- are you okay

Kyle and Tate said together- do you know how worried we were?

Me- GUYS! calm down and let me actually breathe for a second.

Logan spoke again- sooo....??

Me- I went to the fields. and I ran because I was pissed and I couldn't stand it here it was torture. I'm fine now that I am cooled off. and I'm sorry I didn't realize you were so worried.

Jordan- Sam and Aaron are pissed and out looking for you. at first we just let you go to calm down and after thirty minutes and you not showing up for English I texted Logan and he was freaking out to. then when you were gone from second period that's when we told Sam and Aaron. We told them everything from when we got there to when you ran off. At first they were pissed that we let you get slapped and then worried that you were missing.

Logan- they have been looking everywhere for you and they wouldn't let us leave to help.

At this point I was silently crying and so were my brothers. we didn't care that we had just cried in front of everyone. we also didn't care that we showed our emotions unless it was in a fight. we all stood up and got in a group hug.

Me- I'm so so sorry.

Then I passes out.

The soccer star is now the football star to.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu