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Emily's pov.

I woke up to people talking and bright lights. It wasn't very pleasant. I mean come on my head was killing me and my side hurt to. then I noticed I had bandages wrapped around my ribs. My throat was dry to which sucks so my voice is going to sound weird.

Me- can someone turn off the lights. it's to bright.

Logan- oh ya sure kilter sis. how you feeling.

Me- my head hurts like a bitch. and my side kind of hurts. what happened.

Edwin- let's just say you took a pretty bad beating. also very very very lucky you are pretty much fine out of it.

Me- huh?

Sam- Jared show her the video. then we'll tell the doc your awake and what's exactly wrong with you.

I watched the video that they were talking about. it was horrifying to watch. I knew my face became pale and Edwin was right I am very lucky nothing serious happened. its defiantly a mearical I'm ok.

The doctor came in and explained what was to happen the next four weeks. I was happy and mad. it also frustrated me because I had to go to the police station. to see if I press charge or not. It was explained to me that if I were to have something wrong with me as in I was out in a coma or died she'd be sentence to be in jail for life.

That's why everyone was hear that to make sure I was ok. Edwin didn't know what to do. I mean sure his sister almost murder someone and his team captain was the victim.

Me- everyone out. except Edwin.

Some looked hesitant and others took gulps afraid of what I might say or do. But they all finally left but Edwin.

Me- what are you thinking?

Edwin- I'm thinking that I am completely to be blamed I didn't want to bring her but I was forced to. my parents said that if I didn't then I can't play soccer anymore and that I get my car taken. and then I'm pissed because you got hurt and your pretty awesome and that is was my for good nothing sister. I don't know what to do. I know my parents are at the station trying to get the devil herself out.

I was shocked at what he said. I understand why she was there but I don't get why try bail her out.

Me- I don't blame you. but I defiantly don't want her to be put in jail for the rest of her life. I want some type of punishment but I don't want to let her go empty handed.

He only nodded his. he then said thank you and left. he went to go see what's happening to his sister. I feel bad for him. he's in a tight place right now. I'm still shocked that she actually did that. I know my brothers are gonna be pissed when they hear what I want to do.

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