School the word means hell

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Jordan's pov.

Well yesterday was sunday. we had school this morning. I didn't know what to do because my sister isn't coming today. she's in all my classes but last period which is football. anyways sure I have friends and my best friend but I mean no one can compare to my sister.

Going into school today is going to be interesting. I mean sure we already are the talk of the school but we'll be more on the radar now because we're missing a person. the only person that is a girl in our group. I mean you don't have the gang unless you have all of us.

As soon as they saw our car everyone started to come to us. So once we stepped out of the car there were gasps. they were counting us over and over again. to make sure there eyes aren't deceiving them. I mean really there looking for the sixth person. that person being Emily.

To them it's unheard of that the writes stay together and never leave one behind. so when when we pushed through the people the rumors started. people are way to wrapped up in our lives it's scary. like I think most of them know stuff we don't. it's weird, freaky and plain out creepy.

Anyways we just kept walking ignoring the rumors and curious glances. I stopped dead in my tracks because I heard a rumor that set me on edge. I'm guessing by the lack of me behind my brothers made them stop as well.

Logan- Jordan what's wrong...??

Me- how about you ask the two wanna bee's behind me what's wrong.

I seethed through clenched teeth. my brothers notice my facade and was on imitate alert. I turned around and shot daggers at the girls.

Me- care to repeat of what you just said.

Alex- what are you going on about Jordan?

Me- go ahead blonde-y tell them what you said.

Blondie- I said that Emily probably banged them to hard to move and that she'll be out for weeks. also that she's a slut that sleeps with the whole soccer team.

Me- oh and let's not forget about what you said about me.

Right now I was beyond pissed off. if they weren't girls and we were in school I would beat the shit out of them.

Blondie two- then I said that Jordan was an asshole and didn't deserve any girl and that he should keep just banging Emily cause that's all he's gonna get.

By now the whole school had formed a circle around us. my brothers and I were on the verge of exploding then we all heard the missing piece to this.....emily.

Em- I'm sorry what was that? did I hear you correctly?

The two girls looked at her then started to laugh. Bad move in there part.

Em- they may be guys so they can hit you but doesn't mean I can't.

And just like that Emily had punched and kicked them. Not much damage, I knew she was holding back.

Em- first of all I WAS NOT here because I have a concussion was put on bed rest by my dimwit brothers no offense. if it's any of your business.

Logan- offense taken sis. that hurt.

Em- did I hurt you already peanut size ego deflate.

Lo- ya you did little sis.

Me- what are you doing here anyways and how did you get here.

She just smirked. that evil, creepy smirk of hers.

Em- I have my ways. and because coach needed to talk to me.

Blondie one- maybe she's even banging the coach that's why she's on the team. maybe that's why her daddy left her. or why her mommy commuted suicide.

At this everyone's jaw dropped. no one knew what happens at home and for her to say that crossed the line. I noticed how all my brothers paled and stiffen. but looking at Emily was something so different.

We all shared the same look. emily slowly turned around and you could see clear as day that she hit a nerve and was going to breakdown in some kind of way.

Everyone around us noticed our pale faces and stiffen bodies and new what she said was over the line.

Em- what was that...

Everyone turned towards Emily and looked at her before slowly backing away. she was pissed and was clenching and unclenching her fist and jaw. she looked scary. she had a murderess but distant look in her eyes. Blondie visibly gulped and you could see clear as day fear.

What people didn't know was that our mom did try and commit suicide because she caught our dad cheating on her. that's how she went into labor early they had a c-section on her to save the baby aka carter. she died that day from blood loss and to many pills. Emily was the one who found her before she blacked out. It was just Emily and mom in the house that day by themselves. we were ten when it happened.

Then our dad left before carter was born but officially abandoned us on Saturday. so this is a sore topic for us all, especially Emily.

Blondie two- you heard her bitch.

And that's it. Emily's facade finally fell. she was upset and pissed. She slapped them both and kicked them in the stomach before sprinting out of the school. everyone was staring at her retreating back. no one saw any emotion on Emily so this surprised them.

I just looked at all my brothers we all had that pained expression on our faces. we nodded and took off after Emily. we had also recorded what was said. we weren't going to tell Sam and Aaron until tonight or if Emily is really missing.

Now that is why nobody likes school. one because of bullying and two because it's HELL. what a great way to start off the week.

The soccer star is now the football star to.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora