Please dont be him

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Emily's pic.....

I stopped what I was doing right then. I started to slightly panic because Logan was in the icu. And when someone says code blue then that mean someone is flatlining. I am praying to God that it's not Logan.

I noticed a few minutes later that everyone was doing what I was doing they were scared that it had to deal with Logan. I turned around and looked at Jordan and hopped my way over to him and just hugged him for dear life.

I can't believe this is happening. My dream is all to real now. This can't be happening I knew something was gonna happen I just knew it. I started violently shaking and crying or more like sobbing. I haven't told the guys recently about my new nightmares so they didn't particularly know why I was freaking out like I was.

Then I started to hyperventilate. Jordan and my brothers and teammates were trying to calm me down but it was only making it worse. Finally a nurse came in because she was on break and heard shouting and was trying to see the commotion was about.

She took one look at me and made everyone move out of her way and out of my face. She told no one in particular to get me something to drink. She silently sat down in front of me and tried to calm me down. She was saying soothing words to me. But it wasn't just words they were part of a song. She was singing to me and she didn't stop once to look at everyone and whoever handed her the drink. I was slowly starting to calm down, by the end of her song I was mostly calmed down. I was still crying but managed to stop my panic attack.

She slowly got up and helped me up and over to a chair. She looked down at me and smiled.

Me- thank you

I managed to croak out. She just smiled and nodded and walked out back to her job considering she spent her break calming me down and I was grateful for it. I slowly looked up to see everyone just kinda standing there shocked.

Kyle- did that just really happen....??

Everyone kinda just looked at him and laughed saying yes. I even laughed a little. Aaron came and sat by me. I just laid my head on his shoulder while he brought me to his side. I slowly started to drift off to sleep but not before I heard some aww's and pictures being taken. Usually I would throw a fit but I'm too tired to. Then I was consumed in darkness.

Aaron's pov.......

After Emily fell asleep we all took that as our cue to start leaving. But not everyone left. I went ahead and took home both sets of twins. I knew three of them would try to fight me on it but it had to be done. I carried Emily to the car because she was asleep and put her down beside Jordan and Tate.

Sam and Alex decided to stay at the hospital with close friends of Logan's. I wanted to stay but I knew I had to get my siblings home and get jake and Carter.

I knew for a fact that no one is going to school tomorrow just the two youngest.  As we were about to leave the hospital parking lot Jordan and Tate started scream. I turned around to see the commotion and stopped dead in my tracks as Emily started to shake violently.

Me-Kyle go get help now.   

I didn't have to say another word to get everyone moving. I got out of the car as fast as I could and opened the backseat door just as I saw a hole bunch of doctors and nurses coming. Tate moved out of the way really fast. Unfortunately for Jordan Emily had fallen onto his lap and could do anything. The nurses and doctors immediately got into action. They moved her onto a gurney and rushed her inside.

We ran along with them but got stopped in the waiting room. No one told us what going on with her.

About 20 minutes later they came in and told us that Emily was having a seizure and needed to stay here for the next few days to run some test.

Then in came doctor Roberts. He had this look on his face that told us something was deeply wrong. We all held our breath waiting for the news that could change everything.

Doc- I'm sorry to inform you but Logan has.....

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