Nothing to say

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Chloe's pov.

Ha! I finally got that attention seeking slore (whore and slut put together). I just can't believe I was caught. to make matters worse it was completely filmed. I wonder if she's stupid enough to press charges.

We'll just have to wait and find out.

Sam's pov.

After the call I was pissed. I mean who wouldn't be our father just gave everyone to Aaron and I. he and I have college to worry about. I mean we pretty much already finished but were pro basketball players.

Then on top of that my little sister and only sister could be dead for all i know. it's finally happened that our father has no heart for us. God he's such an asshole. I wish our mom was here instead.

We all backed inside Emily's room to see what she wanted.

Em- umm I wanna see what the police say about this.

Me- em they say she has to go to a institution even if we don't press charges which we are.

Em- but-

Me- no buts, it's final.

Em- ok....

After that we checked her out and headed to the cars. I knew she would want to be with Jordan so I took jake and carter in my car so Jordan and em can stay together.

We then headed to the police station.

Officer- oh you guys all showed up including the victim.

Me- yes sir.

Officer- follow me.

We followed the officer to the back where we heard the conversation with Chloe and another officer. she was telling them exactly how she wished Emily a slow painful death. She even gave an explanation on how she would do it.

Her parents and her brother were in the room with us. all there smug faces except Edwin's he didn't have one it looked like disgust on his face he even moved away from them. anyways there smug faces kept getting bigger and bigger. it was weird and creepy.

Then the unexplainable happened they pulled out a gun. they were aiming for Emily. but she saw it to in the reflection in the glass and ducked right in time. everyone moved out of the way as the glass shattered. the officers arrested them. Emily was still on the ground.

Logan- Emily! Emily are you ok are you hurt?

Em- I'm fine just scared.

At that went over to her moved her away and held her in my arms. I noticed the other kid in hear who looked shocked and looked like he was going to pass out from being so scared.

Me- who are you?

The guy- Edwin and I WAS part of THAT family. but I refuse to be part of it. not after what's sister did to em and my team captain I refuse to be anywhere near those insane people. I am hoping you press charge now. that's just sick that they think this id funny I find it disturbing knowing I'm related to lunatics.

Me- oh we most defiantly are pressing charges.

Em- Edwin where are you going to stay if your sick family is away.

Edwin- oh I'm going to live in my house. I had over ten jobs at once so I have money in my account and pocket cash. I refused to use my parents money. I knew they were sick people.

Logan- if you ever need any help man don't be afraid to ask.

Edwin- ummm thanks I guess.

And with that we files the charges and left the station. it's been a long long long day. I knew Emily was terrified. heck I was even terrified. I'm just glad that carte and jake weren't aloud to come back her to see this.

Once we got home I noticed that Aaron was caring an unconscious Emily. she looked peaceful. she probably doesn't get this from us but she looks a lot like our mom. Her and Jordan both.

I know no one has told her yet about our dad. I mean she still believed a little that he still cared for us. I still believed until that call. there's nothing left to say to him.

I know that he's not part of this family and he will never will again. even if he try's there's no hope for him. I know all my brothers are pissed about it except carter cause he didn't understand. he doesn't deserve to know carter.

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