Our story

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Sam's pov...

Me- where do we begin. There's so much no one knows and that's fine with us but I guess it's gotta come out sooner or later.

Mg- I'm waiting.

Logan- first off lets introduce ourselves cause that's what polite people do. im Logan. and my brothers are Kyle, Tate, Carter, you know Sam and possibly Aaron. Then there's Alex, Jordan, and Jake. And you are?

Mg- Riley

Jordan- ok now that's clear sit down and we will being.

I didn't say much because well her and I have a thing but don't at the same time. I like her but I can't be with her and that's the problem I'm breaking her heart just being around her but I don't mean to.

Riley's pov...

Sam- I'm going to put Carter and Jake to sleep. Aaron you start I'll be down soon.

Aaron- ok. so our mom tried to comment suicide because our jack ass of a dad was cheating on her with another girl, no correction five other girls. anyways our mom started to get extremely depressed and you know with nine other siblings and you being the oldest along with Sam they looked up to us. our "dad" was always traveling and mom was loosing it everyday. you could see it her eyes that she was in pain but, we didn't know how bad. so one day she decided she wanted out so she overdosed, cut her major veins in her wrist.

He started to cry at this point. I mean who wouldn't that's horrible.

Logan- she was pregnant with Carter at the time. Emily found her bleeding out and called 9-1-1 really quick and stayed with her the whole time. Emily was the only one home. when the police arrived they took imidiate action. they had put her on a gurney and put her in a helicopter. they did a c-section to save Carter but she had already lost to much blood. she passed in the middle of the c-section. when we got there Emily was by herself shaking and covered in blood. she didn't let anyone touch her except Jordan.

At this point in crying. and thinking about what that girl and all of them been through is extremely tough.

Jordan- I stayed with her that night and the next few days. she was in bad condition. she would wake up screaming in the middle of the night crying and shaking. I didn't know what to do. anyways Carter was a premi (born to early) and was in the hospital for a month and a half. dad heard about the news and stayed with us for a while not very long though. he would avoid Em at all cost, he said...

There was an interruption from upstairs. it was a scream. all the guys jumped up before you could say lollypop. they ran up the stairs and into her room. she was there tossing and turning and screaming bloody murder. she looked like she was possessed.

Sam- move. Emily. Emily. EMILY!!!! Wake up. wake up it was only a dream.

Emily- but it wasn't just a dream Sam. it was real it happened I was there. she's gone I watched it happen, I called it in. I know the story Sam.

She was crying again and yelling. She looked frightened and overwhelmed like she couldn't breathe she needed air.

Me- ok, ok everyone out. she'll be ok. Let's move she needs rest.

Em- wait! Jordan and Logan stay with me please.

They both nodded and went to her bed and laid down with her. We all got back downstairs and got comfortable on the couch so they could finish the story.

Kyle- he had said that he couldn't stand to see her. she looked, and acted like her and he couldn't bear it. so he started to be gone longer and longer to where we would see him three times a month sometimes less. well that was after the funeral anyways. Emily wasn't the same for a while. She stopped playing sports, shut us out, and only talked to Jordan. which was barley anything. also she would care for carter like it was her duty to do so. as time went on she moved on and became her self again. started to hang out with us and play soccer again you know the whole one big family thing. I still don't know what made her change.

Tate- anyways we've pretty much lived on our own with our older siblings taking care of us but we take care of each other. our dad finally up and left
us last Saturday. he is still paying for medical bills and house bills and all that but from that we have to do everything ourselves. it's been this way for five years now. We all have each other's back no matter what we're family.

Alex- there's a quote I like to think about sometimes, it goes like this " the strength of a wolf is its pack". And pack is a family and this is our family we're each others strength.

I thought about what he said. its encouraging and inspiring. I never thought of something like that. I see they all care for each other so much that it makes me loathe them. yes my family and I are one but we aren't that close. sure we care but we aren't like this family.

Sam- now you know. and it's late. Everyone off to bed and Riley can we talk also there's a spare bedroom if you want to use it for tonight since its late.

Me- that would be nice and sure.

Sam walked me to my bedroom and stopped to tell me what he was wanting to say.

Sam- I'm sorry. for everything. the way I've been treating you, dragging you into this with us. there's more to the story than just that. our father used to be a drunk he would beat Emily and Jordan to the point where they be knocked out. I only know because I walked in on it right before he took something thats valuable to anyone while they were both out cold.

Me- I understand. and I'm sorry to for pushing you still hard.

Sam- its fine. I lo.....

Em- YOU TOLD HER!!!! How could you? You promised you wouldn't tell anyone sam. you said you wouldn't tell anyone not even our brothers.

Sam- Em I'm sorry.

Em- no. no your not.

Next thing you know everyone else is out of there rooms. Jordan looks terrified and pissed and everyone else looks sick to there stomachs and pissed. but Emily had a different kind of emotion that I can't explain. Sam looks lost and scared along with confused.

Emily then turns around and grabs Jordan and pulls him into her room. she slams the door so hard the wall shook.

Me- well umm..... I'm just gonna go to sleep. night.

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