Foreword / TW

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Attention: Spoiler

-Trigger warning-

This book is about sensible topics like depression, suicidal behavior and eating disorder. If you're struggling with one of these issues or had been struggling in the past, maybe this book is not the right for you. But in the end, I can't forbid something.


⇨ This story is a fictional book
⇨ The famous persons who have a role in this book, have my whole respekt and I do not want to destroy their image.
⇨ Copying of texts or ideas is forbidden
⇨ A respectful behavior with the topics is  wished


Hey dear reader,
firstly thank you for choosing this book. I hope
you will have much fun with reading it (probably the above-mentioned trigger warning does not stop you from doing that).

This book is what is most close to my heart of my self-written books so far and it will probably always be something special in the future. Why?

I am not a person who really talks to family or friends about my own problems and struggles, which was probably one of the reasons why I wrote this book. With most of the problems that arise in this story, I had/have to struggle myself, so I decided to change them into something good. In a book. It helped me to get rid of some of my ballast, which may sound strange, but it was good to see that a project can become something beautiful (even if it's a bit sad and honest). And with that, I also want to show you that you are not alone with those problems. I don't want to preach to any of you to talk to people about it if you are not willing to do so. But it is important that you look for the help you need in the right time. In any case, I'm here for you if you want to talk about something<3! Just contact me via private message on wattpad, tiktok or instagram:)

Nevertheless I want to mention here that you do not have to worry about me. I am fine so far. I am just happy if you read this book with much joy and maybe be able to take something out of it.

At last I want to say something very important. You are all, each and every one of you, in your own way wonderful and above all unique. Don't think too much about the dark sides of life and enjoy all the positive things that happen around you. Treat yourself to a break, whether it's social media, your own home or work. Sometimes our body gives us signals that our life is simply not running the way it should. And dare to listen to and react to these signals. Maybe there's just one basic thing in your life that is wrong. Sometimes you have to sort out people but believe me, new ones will walk in your life. And don't compare yourself with other people who you see somewhere. You are not them and you don't have to be them.
Remember: There will always be at least one person on this wide planet who loves you more than anything else and loves to spend time with you. Do something good for yourself and listen to your heart, your stomach or instinct. However. I'm sending much love and force to all of you and I know that you are strong enough, to get through hard times. ❤️‍🩹💘🙏

Your author
_nachtengel_ (night angel in english🙃)

Melody of death | English Version | Charles Leclerc FFWhere stories live. Discover now