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Mr.Choi's POV

As I lay in bed, an uneasy feeling gripped my chest, a sense of foreboding that lingered without revealing its source. Perhaps it was the growing void left by Y/N's absence, a yearning that seemed to intensify with every passing moment. Seeking solace, I turned to a few shots of whisky before succumbing to the refuge of sleep.

My slumber was abruptly interrupted by a persistent knock on my door. Opening it, I found Seung-hyun, my elder son, who entered with purpose, his gaze serious. He handed me his phone, displaying an article featuring June and an unidentified girl. "This is why I wanted to keep her away from him," he stated with an intensity that demanded my attention.

In my hazy state, I struggled to comprehend the significance. "Why does June's personal life concern you?" I questioned, the fog of confusion clouding my thoughts.

Seung-hyun's frustration was evident as he clarified, "Appa, it's Y/N." Slowly, the contours of her silhouette on the screen became recognizable, and the pieces started to fall into place. The revelation was like a cold splash of water, jolting me awake.

"Wait, what?" I stammered, attempting to process the implications of this newfound information.

Seung-hyun sighed, impatience evident in his voice. "Taehyung called me yesterday and said she was sleeping, claiming he was bored," he shared. My reliance on Taehyung's word clashed with the mounting suspicions about his involvement.

"And you believed him?" Seung-hyun quizzed, his tone a mix of disbelief and frustration.

Holding onto my skepticism, I countered, "Do you have any proof that she was with June?" Loyalty to Taehyung overshadowed the mounting suspicions about his involvement.

Seung-hyun swiftly retrieved his phone, revealing another article that added a new layer to the unfolding drama. "She just now left his place," he declared, the gravity of the situation sinking in.

The room seemed to close in around me as the implications of Y/N's actions unfolded. The haze of whiskey lifted, replaced by a stark clarity that cut through the fog of confusion. Torn between loyalty to Taehyung and concern for Y/N's well-being, I faced decisions that would shape the trajectory of relationships and unravel the threads that bound us all.

Seung-hyun's gaze met mine, seeking understanding or perhaps a shared sense of worry. In that moment, a silent acknowledgment passed between a father and his elder son, bound by a shared concern for the woman they both cared deeply about. Decisions loomed on the horizon, demanding choices that would determine the course of our intertwined lives.


The door clicked shut behind me, a tangible barrier between the outside world and the storm of emotions raging within. I wasn't ready to hear any explanations, not from Taehyung and certainly not from Appa. The weight of betrayal sat heavily on my chest, and I grappled with the shattered trust that now lay scattered around me.

I had poured my heart out to them, unveiling the scars of my trauma, expecting reciprocity in the form of shared secrets. Yet, the revelation of Taehyung's clandestine activities blindsided me. The man I thought I knew, the one I had entrusted with my heart, harbored a dark side concealed in the shadows of secrecy.

The most agonizing revelation came from Appa. How could he have concealed the truth from me, orchestrated my marriage to someone involved in such sinister affairs? I felt a deep sense of betrayal, questioning the very foundation of the familial bond I believed in. The image of a loving, protective father shattered, replaced by the stark reality that he had willingly married me off to someone with blood on his hands.

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