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Taehyung pov

the ethereal realm dissolved around me, I felt a faint stirring—a gentle tug pulling me back to the realm of the living. Slowly, hesitantly, I began to emerge from the depths of unconsciousness, my senses gradually returning to me.

The first thing I became aware of was the soft hum of machinery, the steady rhythm of monitors and equipment punctuating the stillness of the hospital room. Blinking against the harsh glare of fluorescent lights, I struggled to orient myself, the disorientation of waking from a deep slumber clouding my thoughts.

And then, like a gentle breeze sweeping through the room, I felt a flutter—a flicker of life stirring within me. With a jolt, I realized that my pulse, once faint and erratic, had steadied, its rhythm a reassuring cadence against the silence.

Beside me, figures shifted, voices murmuring in hushed tones as the medical team worked tirelessly to stabilize my condition. Through the haze of my awakening, I caught glimpses of familiar faces—Jimin's worried expression, Y/N's anxious gaze—each one a lifeline in the tumult of my return to consciousness.

And then, like a beacon in the darkness, a voice cut through the haze—a doctor, his tone measured yet tinged with relief. "He's waking up," he announced, the words a symphony of hope amidst the uncertainty. "His pulse is back to normal."

In that moment, time seemed to stand still, the weight of the world lifting from my shoulders as the realization sank in—I was alive, and I was not alone. With a surge of gratitude, I turned towards Y/N and Jimin, their faces etched with a mixture of joy and apprehension.

"We did it," Jimin whispered, his voice trembling with emotion as he reached out to grasp my hand. "You're back, Taehyung."
Y/N's eyes glistened with unshed tears, but she spoke no word. 

In that moment, surrounded by the ones I loved most in the world, I felt a sense of peace wash over me—a profound gratitude for the gift of life, and the unwavering support of those who had stood by me through it all.

As the medical team continued their ministrations, I closed my eyes, allowing myself to bask in the warmth of their presence, knowing that, whatever trials lay ahead, I would face them with courage and determination, buoyed by the love of those who had never given up on me.

Y/N pov

As the news of Taehyung's return to consciousness reached my ears, a surge of conflicting emotions washed over me. Relief mingled with apprehension, joy intertwined with uncertainty—I didn't know how to process it all.

Part of me wanted to rush to his side, to hold him close and assure him that everything would be alright. But another part hesitated, afraid of what his reaction might be. What if he blamed me for the accident? What if he resented me for not being there when he needed me most?

The doctor's instructions to wait for a final check-up only added to the tension, prolonging the agonizing wait as we stood in the sterile confines of the hospital room. Jimin's hand in mine provided a steady anchor amidst the turmoil, his silent support a comfort in the midst of uncertainty.

I could sense his relief, his silent prayers answered as Taehyung stirred back to consciousness. But for me, the moment was fraught with questions and doubts, the weight of responsibility pressing down upon me like a heavy burden.

As we waited, each passing moment felt like an eternity, the silence of the room echoing with unspoken fears and hopes. And amidst it all, I could only cling to the fragile thread of hope, praying that Taehyung's awakening would bring not just relief, but a chance for healing and reconciliation.

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