Chapter 49

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Tamaki quickly jogged to the back of Scaramouche's house, making sure to avoid the windows and keep an eye out for Mr. Raiden. He had run a lot to get here and was now out of breath. But there was no time for rest. He had to make sure Scaramouche was safe right now. Judging by the clouds, it was  going to rain soon. 

He walked over to the bulkhead and pulled the metal doors open, revealing the staircase leading down to the basement where Scaramouche hopefully was right now. He hadn't visited for quite some time now that he thought about it. He'd been too busy with work and uni to find time. Maybe after all of this, he'd take Shoko and Scaramouche out for some ice cream or to some amusement park.

He walked down the stairs carefully. Maybe he should have chosen better footwear than his usual high-heeled boots. That made it harder to walk down the stone steps without the chances of accidentally falling. 

"Helloo? Scara?" Tamaki called, entering the dark room. "Fuck, why's it so dark here?" He turned on his phone light and flashed it around the room. It was pretty messy but Scaramouche's bed was empty and made. It was clear the kid wasn't here. Or he could be upstairs? Tamaki wondered, looking up at the ceiling. He supposed he could try looking around for some clues of where Scaramouche might be.

When he moved forward, his leg bumped into the little table Scaramouche and Shoko used to eat. On top of it was a folded sheet of paper and a few purple cloth strands. 

"What the hell is this...?" Tamaki muttered to himself, brushing the cloth strands aside and picking up the paper. He unfolded it to find a long note written on it in Scaramouche's handwriting. He couldn't shake off this ominous feeling of something terrible. He could feel his panic rising the further his eyes went down the paper as he read the words written on it.

"Oh fuck..." Tamaki whispered. "Scaramouche, what the fuck are you doing?!" 


"I'm tired." Venti whined, sinking down on to the grass. 

Kazuha and Venti had been walking around town for hours and Venti had just been depleted of all stamina and had collapsed on to the park ground. It was almost evening. The duo had to put their phones on silent because of the non-stop messages and calls from Mr. Zhongli, Xiao and Heizou. Venti felt really bad for ignoring Xiao but he'll explain later. His main priority was to find Scaramouche and make sure he was OK.

"We've looked almost everywhere, where could the kid be?!" Venti complained.

"I don't know. Get off the grass, your clothes will be dirty." Kazuha said, pulling Venti up.

"I need a drink." Venti muttered. 

"Do you really think now is the time to drink?" 

"Any time is good enough."

"Fucking alcoholic."

"Shut up."

"Ugh, what do we do now?" Kazuha groaned, looking up at the sky which was starting to turn orange. "Do you think Tamaki found anything on his side?" 

"I don't know. We should have taken his number." Venti said.


"Should we start heading back now?" Venti asked, glancing at his watch.

Kazuha hesitated, staring out at the distance. Scaramouche could be suffering anywhere right now and none of them could reach him and help him. It sucked. Why couldn't he be happy? Why did he have to go through all this shit. Kazuha wished he could just swap places with him so Scaramouche could be happy. No one deserved better more than him. Where the hell could he be? They had checked almost everywhere.. Except for one place. Maybe he could be there? There could only be one reason he could be there and it wasn't a good one. Shit, he needed to get there fast.

"You meet up with Tamaki without me. There's one last thing I need to check!" Kazuha told Venti hurriedly.

"Wait, wha...?" Before Venti could question it, Kazuha was already off. 

"I'll meet you later!" He called over his shoulder before disappearing around the corner. 

"Where the hell is he going now?" Venti asked nobody in particular. Well, he was just going to have trust Kazuha for now, didn't he? Hopefully, Kazuha knew what he was doing and everything will end well.

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