Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 (Linns P.O.V)

She picked up the note after she had read it out loud. Me and Elin just stand there. We were really shocked. Our best friend had just been asked out by one of the most famous boys in the whole world. I just looked at her and I didn’t know what to say. I was speachless. Finally she said something.

- Should I go? She asked me.

- Of course teddybear. You’ll regret it if you don’t! I said with a calmly voice. When she was abot to say something my phone started buzzing in my pocket. I took it up and it said: “my love”. It was my boyfriend. I didn’t want to awnser but I had to. Before I moved in to London he haven’t talked or answerd my calls or texts. But I did awnser. 

-Hello. I said with a shaking voice.

-Hi, I’m just calling cuz I know I haven’t talked to you but I just want to start this realationship all over again. So I dosen’t need to feel so embaressed about all that happend before you moved. Please babe.

- No! I’m not going to start any realationship all over again just cuz you don’t feel good about what you did to me before I left. It’s over and don’t ever talk to me again! I almost screamed back again in the phone. I really hoped that I made him deaf.

- Have you met someone else or are you just dosen’t feel the same way for me anymore? He asked with a really sad voice and I didn’t know how to reply. But I awnserd with:

- Maybe and yes I don’t feel anything for you anymore. I said it and didn’t feel sorry at all and hung up.

Both Celina and Elin was just looking at me before Celina asked:

- Was that James? Sha asked.

- Yeah, it was and I finally broked up with him.

- OMG! I’m so happy that you finally did it. He treated you like you just was an animal. Elin said.

- Don’t be so mean! She loved him then she didn’t know he was a big fat ugly pig. Celina said.

They really know how to make me happy and thats why they were my best friends. I loved them more than anything. I just couldn’t imagine my life without them.

- Are you going to the date or what? I asked Celina and decided that I could do her hair.

- I don’t know, Maybe it’s just a joke and I come and he isn’t there. She said with a sad down voice.

- You should! I think that he really likes you and he broke up with Eleanor for 5 monthes ago. I should go if I were you! I said.

- Okey I’ll go but just if you help me with my hair. She comanded and I did agree.

As I did her hair she had started to text Louis and asked if it really was him that had sent the flowers and it was. He also mentioned that Harry wanted to come but he didn’t want to bother so he asked if I wanted to come also but she said that I just had broked up with my boyfriend and didn’t want to go to a date. And Louis understand but maybe Harry didn’t. When it was time to go Celina and I checked one more look in the mirror. Celina had her hair up so it looked like a bow and some hair down the face. She had a black lace dress, her Oxford flats and a light jean jacket. She was beautiful. I had my hair down and curls. I had my light jeans and a white knitted jumper and my black converse. I think I looked nice for once. We walked to the park and we saw the boys. Like always I was the most shy and I walked away from Celina. I walked to the fountain and picked up a book from my bag. I started to read but someone sat down beside me. First I just smiled and continued to read the book. But when the person stared to talk to me recognised the voice. I looked up and saw the most beautiful person in the world. With his curly hair and green eyes. Of course it was Harry. He looked at me and asked:

- Whats the title of the book?

- Oh! Um….. you know…. It’s called Marked. I said really awkwardly.

- Oh, I haven’t heared about it actally.

- It’s really good. Do you have any favorite?

- Nah….. I’m not a book fan. More of a movie fan.

- Oh a movie fan you say. Huh? Which is your favorite then?

- You know…….. Love Actally.

- Oh! I love that movie too. It’s amazing.

- Yeah! It is. So you’re single?

- Yes.

- So why did he do to lose a amazing girl like you? He asked and looked right into my eyes.

- Urm. He was wa a big, ugly and fat pig. (giggle) And he stopped talk to me when I moved. And he called today and I broke up with him.

- Okey and he really sound like a big, ugly and fat pig. He chuckled a little bit and he couldn’t stop looking in my eyes.

We started to talk and the hours flew away. About 2 or 3 hors later Louis and Celina come to us and supricely they hold hands. 

We met at the airport (One Direction Fan Fiction) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now