Chapter 46

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Chapter 46

*Harry's POV*

*1 month later*

I was sitting in the sofa waiting for Linn to come home from the doctors. Well she didn't know I was home yet but I was going to surprise her. But she would've been home 2 hours ago, where the fuck is she. I decided to call her to see of she was okay.

"Hello" Her soft voice said and I could hear she was with someone.

"Hi honey what's up?"

"Oh hi Harry, well I'm at a friends house" She said sounding like she was lying.

"Why are you lying to me Linn" I said while I stood up and I walked over to the kitchen.

"Harry I'm not lying" She tried to tell me once again and I almost believed her until I heard a manly voice in the background.

"Okay Linn, I will try this once more, why the fuck are you lying?"

"You don't need to be mad at me! I'm over at Cel's place and and"

"You see what we're doing right? We are fucking arguing because you can't tell me the truth"

"You really wanna hear the truth?"


"Well I'm actually mad at you for cheating on me with that bitch in Paris!"

"Oh please Linn I wasn't cheating!"

"Oh yeah right, so the pictures of you kissing a blonde French bitch and she was smiling like crazy?!"

"Well 1st of all I didn't for the 2nd what's your problem? I didn't do it and if you're so upset about this why don't you just leave me?!" I said while playing with the box with the ring in it.

"Well then I'll leave you then and you can back the fuck off me and the baby!"

Then she just hung up the phone and it hit what I really did. I broke it off the girl of my dreams for the third time.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH ME?!" I screamed as I threw my phone into the wall and it broke into pieces.

Then I just broke down. I sat on the chair and I could feel the tears form in my eyes. Then I picked up the box and opened it. There was a beautiful diamond ring that would've looked amazing on her finger. Why did I call her? Why do I have to be so sensitive? My life is officially over!

*Louis' POV*

I was worried about Harry, he hasn't answered the phone and Cel and Linn has been on the phone arguing for about an hour now. I decided to drive over to him, I mean I can fear that something's wrong. I just walked out of the club just leaving Cel with a text. I drove off to the house and I saw Harry's car outside. I didn't bother to knock so I just walked and I saw Harry sitting in the kitchen head in one hand and playing with a red velvet box in the other. I looked around seeing Harry's phone on the floor by the wall and the screen was in pieces. I sat down beside him and I start to get really worried.

"Leave me alone Lou..." He said with a sad voice.

"No I'm not going to leave you. What happened?"

"I..." He start looking up at me.


"I broke up with her"

"Why? You're madly in love Haz"

"I am but she was so upset about some kind of rumour and if I'm going to say the truth I don't think she really told me the truth either" His eyes was teary and I could see that he was hurt.

"Harry why didn't you believe her?"

"Cause she said that she was over at Cel's when I knew you were out on the club and I heard a manly voice in the background when I talked to her" His voice cracked at the end and tears streamed down his face.

"Hey, Harry you'll get thru this okay. What if I don't Louis? What if she's never gonna talk to me again?"

"She will, she's carrying your baby Harry"

"Yeah but she said that I couldn't even meet it!"

"Harry c'mon do you really believe that?!"

"Yes Lou I do! Cause she sounded dead serious about it too!"

•Hope you liked this chapter, sorry that its short! Love you!❤•


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