Chapter 22

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Chapter 22 (Linns P.O.V)

My arms were tightly wrapped around Harry’s neck while we were kissing. His lips were soft and hot on mine. His tough begged to come inside my mouth and I separated my lips a but and his tough was exploring my mouth while his hands was exploring my body. My fingers were locked in his brown curls and my eyes were closed. I slowly pulled away and his eyes looked disappointed at me.

- Why did you stop?

- Cuz I’m just so happy to become your wife Haz and I just want you to know that.

- And I’m so happy and grateful to become your husband.

In my ears everything just seemed unreal. Maybe this is just a dream. I pinched my lower arm and nothing happened which meant this is real. Harry’s hands cupped my face and he looked deeply in my eyes.

- I love you with all my heart and I will never ever let you go again.

- I love you just as much.

A big smile appeared on both of our faces and he kissed me softly on the cheek. He sat down on the sofa and pulled me down with him. He placed his arm around my shoulders, he kissed my temple lightly and turned the tv on. I looked down at my finger and stroked the diamond ring. It was so unreal that I’m engaged to my Harry and now I can only imagine to be with him forever. I got cut of in my thoughts of Harry’s hand on my thigh. I looked over at him, his eyes still fixed on the tv and I couldn’t resist to kiss those perfect build lips. I moved over to him so I sat on his lap. His eyes were now on me. I leaned in and our lips were now touching. His hands were stroking my cheek and hip. He pulled away.

- When are we going to tell the others babe?

- I don’t know when Cel and Louis are back from their honeymoon.

He kissed me quickly and then looked over at the stairs were Lucy screamed upstairs. I got up and placed Lucy in my arms. She stopped crying right away and looked at me with teary eyes. I felt two string arms around my waist while I was singing a lullaby to Lucy. 

- Linn?

- Yeah.

- You’ll be a great mom, darling.

- Thank you. You’ll be a great dad.

We met at the airport (One Direction Fan Fiction) *Completed*حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن