Chapter 32

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*A month later*

*Linn's POV*

I sat on the sofa while watching tv at Louis and Cel's place. Cel wanted me to move in with them cos what happened at their party a month ago. The phone start to ring and there was only me home so needed to answer.


"Hello, is Louis there?" It was Harry's deep voice.

"No he's on a date with Cel."

"Oh okay. So how are you?"

"It could be better you?"

"Well the same here. So can I meet you I really need to talk to you."

"Well I'm home now so you can come if you want."

"Well okay I'll be there in 10."

"Okey see you then bye."


My heart start beating faster as I hung up the phone. I ran up to my room and put on a pair of black skinny jeans and a plain white t-shirt. I put my straight black brown hair up in a ponytail and put some makeup on then I walked back down to the kitchen and took a glass of water. Then I heard a light knock on the door. I went and opened it and there he stood, with his beautiful smile, curly hair and amazing green eyes.

"Hi" I said with a low voice.

"Hi" he said while walking past me in the doorway. He sat down on the sofa and I sat beside him.

"So I've been thinking about this thing that happened on the party and I doesn't really know what to say less than. Do you still love me Linn?"

I got shocked by his words and I could see the hurt in his eyes and I just wanted to hug him tight and melt in his arms.

"I do, Harry and I always will cos this time I've been without you has been a mess and all I want to do is curl up against you on the bed and your hands stroking my side and I miss to kiss you whenever I want. I want you back Harry. I love you!"

He stood up and stretched out his hand for me to take it. I took it and he hugged me tight. I nuzzled my head into his neck and He did the same and his curls tickled my skin. God I missed this kind of hugs. His smell was so amazing and it felt like I could melt in his arms. He pulled away a bit and placed his thumb on my chin and pulled me closer and kissed me passionately. I pulled away and looked deeply into those amazing green eyes and couldn't keep myself from smiling. He smiled too and his dimples showing. My tummy got filled with butterflies when he smiled at me. We sat down on the sofa again and he placed one arm around my shoulder and the other hand held my hand and his thumb stroked the back of my hand. He kissed my cheek and I laid my head on his shoulder.

"When are Cel and Lou coming back?"

"I don't know actually. Why are you asking?" I said while sitting up.

"No just wondered how long I have alone with you."

"We'll have at least 20 minutes."

"That's good."

I leaned closer to him and kissed him, he kissed me back and he placed his hand on my hip. We had a make out session. When we pulled away the door opened and Louis and Celina walked thru the door with Lucy. They looked happy and when Lucy saw me she ran up to me and hugged my leg. I stood up and lifted her up in my arms. I looked down at Harry and he smiled to me. When I moved over to Louis and Celina they weren't there. Hum wonder what they are going to do upstairs. A giggle escaped my mouth and Harry chuckled at me.


"You're just so cute"

"No I'm not!"

"Les youl ale." Lucy said and patted my cheek with her small little hand. I giggled at her.

"Yeah listen to Lucy Hun, she always has right." Harry said while wiggling his eyebrows.

"I think I need to huh?"

"Yeah, yol leed tlo!" Lucy said and hugging me.

I sat her down and she walked over to her dolls and start to play with them. Harry pulled me down beside him and placed his arm around my body and pulled me closer. He kissed my cheek and his thumb stroke my cheek. His green eyes looking deeply into mine as his tough swiped over his plump pink lips. I kissed him and his hand squeezed my thigh and I smiled. I could feel him smiling too.

"Uncle Hajjy aln aunt Linn il kissing" she said between giggles, we pulled away and looked smiling at her. She came running to me and jumped up and down until Harry picked her up. He start to tickle her and she couldn't control her giggles, I couldn't either. He was so adorable. He let her go and she start to run and Harry chased her. I couldn't keep from laughing. When he catches her he kissed her cheek and start to dance with her. I start the music to them, I played "Just the way you are" with Bruno Mars and I start to sing along. He put Lucy down and walked over to me. He took my hand and start dancing with me. He start to sing along with his angelic voice and looked deeply into my eyes. Then he stopped and pulled a piece of hair out of my face and pulled me closer.

"You're so beautiful Linn"

"I love you Harry."

"I love you too honey."

He kissed me once more and hugged me tight. I'm so happy to have him back in my life. I love him so much. I nuzzled my head into the crook of his neck and kissed his skin. Then Celina and Louis came down the stairs.

Hope you liked this chapter. The next one will probably be up tonight or tomorrow! Love you guys!❤


We met at the airport (One Direction Fan Fiction) *Completed*Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon