Chapter 21

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Chapter 21  ( Linn’s P.O.V)

When I woke up I felt two strong arms around me and I turned to see him. His eyes were closed and he breathed calmly which meant he was asleep. His arms was still around my waist as they were when I fell asleep. He looked just as beautiful as always and his curls just as perfect. I placed my fingers on his bird tattoo and start to move up. I placed my fingers on his chin and then his cheeks then his forehead. When I got down to his lips he kissed my fingers and he opened his eyes. He looked deeply into mine and he then kissed my forehead.

- I missed the way you did that honey.

- I missed to feel you underneath my fingers.

A big smile appeared on his lips and his dimple showed up. I couldn’t keep myself from not to touch it. His smile grew bigger and he kissed me passionately. I pulled away and looked at the phone to see what time it was. It was 9.30 am and I then turned back to see Harry’s face again. But he wasn’t there. I got up from the bed and put one of his t-shirts on. I walked down the stairs and I heard him do something in the kitchen. I walked in and he looked at me.

- What are you doing?

- Do you want some breakfast?

- Yes please.

He seemed a nervous but maybe he was just shocked of what happened last night. I was too but I couldn’t be more happy then I am right now. 

He start to make pancakes and I just watch him do it. After like 2 minutes I walked up to him. He warped one of his arms around me and kissed my temple. He turned away from me and placed the pancakes on the table he then walked back to me and took my hand and walked me over to the table. We sat down and ate when we were done he took my hand and kissed it. He didn’t say anything he just stood up and walked me over to sofa. He sat down and pulled me down with him. 

- You know I love you right?

- Of course I do Harry

- And I want to spend the rest of my life with you. 

He then got up from the sofa and stood on one knee and said:

- Will you marry me Linn?

- Yes!

He placed the ring on my finger and kissed my hand lightly. Then I placed my hands around his neck and kissed him passionately. His hands were on my waist. He deepened the kiss. He then pulled away and looked deeply in my eyes.

- I love you more than words can say.

- I love you to the moon and back Harry.

He then kissed me once more. I was so happy to be future miss Styles.

We met at the airport (One Direction Fan Fiction) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now