Chapter 11

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Chapter 11 ( Linns P.O.V)

I felt two strong arms around me while I was making the breakfast. He placed soft kisses along my neck. I was just finished the pancakes and turned to face him. His amazing green eyes were looking deeply into mine and his lips were touching mine. He leaved a soft and gentle kiss and then took the pancakes and sat them down on the table. He then walked to me and took my hand. He leaned in and whispered:

- You’re my princess today. So what do you want to do?

- I don’t know. What about just relax and enjoy our company?

- I would love that princess.

- But please stop calling me princess cuz it’s weird.

- Okey. But I just want you to know that you’re mine.

- And you’re always going to be mine.

He didn’t say anything he just kissed me passionately and pushed me against the wall. He started to kiss me more roughly but with love. I kissed him back with just as much passion. His hands moved from my neck to my collar bone and them moved down to my hips. I took my hands into his curls. His tough licked my lips and wanted to come inside my mouth I opened it a bit and our tongues danced with each other. Just this moment was perfect. But like always something needs to interrupt when we have the perfect time. My phone started ringing and Harry stopped. We pulled away and I walked to the counter and took the phone. One the display it said “mommy”. My heart skipped a nervous beat and I answered it.

- Hi.

- Hey, sweetie me and Anna are coming to London this week to visit you and Celina. We are coming tonight around 8 pm. Love you Linn.

- Wait a minute do you even know where we live mom?

- Don’t you live in that house you bought last year?

- No we moved. Haven’t you read any of my mails?

- Sweetie, I actually haven’t cuz me and your dad had so much going on back here. Omg the plane takes off soon! Bye Sweetheart I’ll call you when we have landed.

- Bye mom love you.

I was so shocked that my mom and Celinas mom were going to be here. What if she just think that Harry isn’t the one for me. I walked out of the kitchen and up to my room. When I was passing Celina and Louis’s room I could hear giggling and cute stuff. I didn’t bother by saying anything to her cuz I didn’t want to interrupt their perfect moment. I just walked past and walked into my room. Tears started forming in my eyes and started to roll down my face. I could hear the door opened and I felt two strong arms around my waist.

- Babe, what’s wrong?

- My mom and Celina’s mom is coming tonight a-and……

- Why are you so upset about that Hun?

- What if she doesn’t like you and she doesn’t know that you and I are dating. 

- She will love me! 

- Don’t be too proud cuz she is a little harsh on who I’m dating, Babe.

- She is? Oh now I got a bit nervous!

- Don’t be. I love you and nothing can change that Haz.

- I love you too kitten. Come with me.

He took my hand and we walked down to the living room. He turned the tv on and pulled me down on the sofa with him. He placed his arm around my shoulders and I cuddled up next to his side. I could hear someone walk down the stairs and I turned my face to see who it was. It was Louis. He walked up to us and sat down beside Harry.

- Good morning pouty face. I said jokingly.

- Good morning……… He said with a really low voice and I started to wonder why.

- Why are you down? When I passed your room this morning I could hear loud giggling and cute thing.

- Yea, but Cel has a little temper now when she’s you know and she said something mean to me.

- Oh Louis I’m sure she didn’t mean it. Harry said with an cute voice.

- Oh but just look at you two. You’re the cutest couple in the world. Have you ever argued over things that is just small.

- Not yet. But I’m sure it wasn’t that bad Lou.

- Linn she said that I’m an idiot that doesn’t understand her. But I do understand her.

- Louis I’ll talk to her just wait down here!

I walked up the stairs and walked into Louis and Celina’s room. Celina sat on the bed and she was crying. I walked up to her and sat down beside her.

- Hun, why did you call Louis an idiot?

- I-I-I-I don’t know I was so upset about something and I’m so stupid.

- You’re not stupid but you need to tell Louis that you’re sorry and I have something I need to tell you.

- Of course I am, and I hope that you’re not pregnant. 

- No I’m not but our moms are coming tonight!


- Yea, they’re coming, and you need to tell your mom what you have in that. I said it while I was pointing at her belly.

- But what if she don’t like Louis, Linn what am I going to do?

- Shh, Cel it’s going to be fine. She’ll love him.

I took her hand and we walked down the stairs. She dried her tears and walked up to Louis and said she was sorry and that our moms where coming. Maybe this whole day wasn’t so perfect as I thought it was going to be.

We met at the airport (One Direction Fan Fiction) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now