Chapter 10

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Chapter 10 ( Celinas P.O.V)

Louis and I were walking down the hall to get to our hotel room. When we finally got to it I felt very nervous. I just thought if I should tell him now or later. I watched his hands slowly open the door to the room. When we got inside the room the only thought that caught my brain was WOW!. It was amazing. With an amazing view over the city. I walked into the bathroom cuz it felt like I was going to throw up again. Louis walked in really worried when he heard I was throwing up. 

- Hun? Are you okey?

- Yea! I’m just fine.

- Are you sure cuz I don’t think people throw up when they are fine.

- Louis, I need to tell you something.

- Well, what is it?

- Urm….. Look I-I-I’m…….

- You’re what? Please say it before I explode Cel.

- I’m pregnant.

His face was just filled with confusion. Omg! I think this wasn’t the right time anyways. Holy fucking shit he’s going to leave me right now! I can see it in his eyes.

- I hope the child is mine, babe.

- Of course it’s yours. I haven’t slept with anyone else.

- So I’m going to be dad?

- Yea……


He didn’t scream it to high. He picked me up and spinned me around. He was really happy about it. Linn had right he was going to be happy. He finally put me down Nd kissed my forehead.

- I love you, Cel you’re my everything. This vacation can’t be more perfect than know that you’re going to have my child. 

- Awwwe, I love you too Lou!

*Linns P.O.V*

- You should put your bikini on, Babe.

- Yea, I’m just gonna find it Harry.

- Or we can just have some fun up here..

- No! Harry don’t!

- I was just kidding sweetie.

- You better were. Find it!

- Great now put it on and we will go down to the pool with the lads and have some fun!

I put the bikini on. The bikini was neon and looked really cute. I also put on some shorts and a light tank top. I took my flip flops and walked out of the bathroom. Harry had already changed and laid on the bed. I crawled on top of him and placed a kiss on his lips.

- Are you ready to have some fun by the pool, babe?

- I am, kitten.

When he had said that I heard a light knock on the door. When I opened the door Liam, Dani, Perrie, Zayn and Niall outside.

- Are you guys ready to have some fun? They all said choir.

- Of course we are but were are Celina and Louis?

- They are coming down later. Niall said.

- Okey then, lets go. Perrie said and took Zayn’s hand.

I took Harry’s and we followed the others. I hoped Celina had the guts to say that she was pregnant to him cuz I think that having a secret like that would probably make some trouble later on. But the good thing is that if he loves her he will keep her with him for long. Cuz a girl like Cel is really hard to find.

- So, do you wonder why they will come later? Harry asked worried.

- I think I know why. I said jokingly.

Harry just put his arm around my waist and stopped. He kissed my temple and then started to walk again. But he stopped once more when he heard Louis scream our names.

- Oh well there you are. Louis said while taking his breath. Cel were right behind him and they were holding hands. 

-Here we are. I said randomly and started to laugh at my randomness.

That night everything was wonderful. First we were by the pool. Then at about 8 pm we were going out and had dinner and then we made some shopping and then we head back to the hotel. The next day was just as perfect but when we were out and had dinner Louis and Celina told us the news and both of them looked so happy and we all were for them. Harry looked at me and whispered in my ear: 

- You knew about this didn’t you?

I just smiled and kissed him. On our way home to the hotel we stopped by the beach and Harry and I sat down In the sand. He placed his arms around me and I placed my hands on his. I rested my head on his chest and he rested his head on mine.

- Would you like to start a family with me in the future? He whispered into my ear and then kissed it lightly.

- I would love to Harry.

While I said it I could feel that he was smiling and everything just felt amazing. The weeks past and it was time to go back home to London. It was really nice to get home but still a bit sad cuz the boys were leaving for a trip to America in one week and I didn’t want Harry to leave and Cel didn’t want Louis to leave either. But right now it was just me and Harry.

We met at the airport (One Direction Fan Fiction) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now