Chapter 16

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Chapter 16 ( Linn’s P.O.V)

It was Christmas Eve and Harry and I was at Harry’s moms home. Harry was still asleep. I decided to wake him up with kisses. First I kissed his forehead, then his nose, then his chin, then his cheeks and last his lips. He kissed me back.

- Merry Christmas baby. Harry said with is extremely sexy voice.

- Merry Christmas babe.

- So……..

- So? I’m gonna get you something babe.

- Linn please stay in bed a little longer.

- I’ll be right back. 

I walked over to the suitcase and picked up a small box. I then walked over to Harry again and gave him the box. He slowly opened it and when he finally opened it. He looked really happy and put it on. 

- Thank you.

- You like it?

- I love it, Linn! Wait here.

- But….

He cut me off with a kiss. He then walked out of the room. He returned 5 minutes later with a box in his hands. He gave it to me and I opened it. It was a beautiful bracelet and a matching ring. The bracelet had an H and the ring had an H and an heart around it. It was so beautiful. I put the ring and the bracelet on and kissed Harry on the cheek.

- You like it babe?

- I love it Harry.

- Good.

He then kissed me passionately and laid me down on the bed.

*2 months later*

I was home alone. Harry was out with Niall and Ed. I turned the tv on and an interview with the boys. They was talking about their personal life and a question about me came. ” Is this break up rumors between you and Linn true?” ” No we are still together”. I smiled and logged in on twitter. Which I shouldn’t. I saw a lot of hate and I became really hurt. I saw one tweet that hurt the most ” I think that Linn and Harry’s relationship just is an management thing. I mean look at her she just walks in his life then they are a really cute couple that has last for like a year and they are still together. I mean just look at the pictures of them. Harry doesn’t even look happy. He deserves someone better”

I couldn’t even stand this anymore. I’ve got so much hate lately. I just can’t handle it. Just the moment I broke down Harry walked inside the door. He saw me crying and came up to me right away he hugged me really tight but I just pulled away.

- Hey, baby what’s wrong?

- I can’t handle this anymore. I can’t I’m sorry. 

My voice cracked and tears streamed down my face. 

- What can’t you handle. Please don’t say what I think you’re saying.

His voice cracked as well and tears start to form in his eyes.

- I’m sorry Harry but……..

- But what?

- I’m breaking up with you.

- No! Please Linn, don’t break up with me. What have I done?

- Nothing you haven’t done anything wrong its just I-I-I-I just can’t handle this hate anymore Harry. It’s breaking me down. And this breaks my heart too but it’s the right thing to do.

- Please Linn……… don’t!

I just stood up and walked to the bedroom and took my things and I walked back to him. He looked just as heart broken as I was but I needed to do this.

- Bye Harry. I still love you.

- Don’t go. 

- I need to.

- I’m always gonna love you Linn. Forever and always.

- I’m always gonna love you forever Harry.

- Then don’t leave.

- Bye Harry.

And with that I left the apartment heartbroken. I’ve just left the other side if my life behind that door. Right now I didn’t know where to go. Celina and Louis would probably be really busy and Niall is probably drunk. I took my phone up and called Liam.

- Liam.

- Hi Li…… It’s me.

- Hey, Panda what’s wrong?

- I just broke up with Harry. Can I stay at your place?

- Oh! Yeah come over here. Dani and I were just on our way to sleep but come now! You’ll need someone don’t you?

- Yeah! 

My voice cracked and the the tears came back down my face. I hung up and drove to Liam’s. He opened the door and hugged me tight. I started to cry even harder now. He leaned me inside and I got to sleep in the guest room.

We met at the airport (One Direction Fan Fiction) *Completed*Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant